Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 01:11 WIB

Multiple Reasons for Islam Phobia in India


Jakarta, IO – India is a country where the majority religion is Hindu, which is known for its caste division system. Not only Hindus, the Indian population is also a Muslim minority, but the minority is the 3rd largest minority in the world, this is because India is also a large country with the 3rd largest population in the world today. The diversity of religions in India is depicted in many Bolliwood cinemas and films that characterize the country. From time to time India kept conflicts based on religion. The intensity of riots in India since the last five years has been worsening, since 2020 riots have increasingly led to genocide. At least starting from 2020 to 2022, there are 4 causes of Islam phobia in Indonesia. The causes of these conflicts and riots include: 

1. Anti-Muslim laws. Since last December 2019, the Indian government passed a residency Act called the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) which aims to accelerate citizenship for Hindus, Parsis, Sikhs, Duddhas, Jains and Christians residing in India before 31 December 2014. The law does not apply to Muslims. 

2. Calls To Kill Muslims Anti-Islam controversy re-emerged in 2021 in India. Several Indian state leaders are alleged to have called for genocide of Muslims in year-end gatherings. The news stemmed from a report to the police in Uttarakhand that the religious leader asked residents to arm themselves to kill Muslims. The call to kill Muslims has gone viral on social media which has sparked conflict and attracted the sympathy of the world. In a video clip that went viral, one of the speakers said “even if only a hundred of us become soldiers and kill two million of them (Muslims), we will win” 

3. The Prohibition of Wearing the Hijab In March 2022, the Indian state authorities issued a ban on the wearing of the hijab in educational institutions such as schools and universities in the Karnataka region. Furthermore, in the report of a decision of the Karnataka High Court, the hijab was mentioned as an unimportant matter. The secretary of the ruling BJP party, said that the statement was in line with the ideological aims of Hinduism in India 

4. Insulting Prophet Muhammad. What just happened was a statement by a BJP spokesman, Nupur Sharma, in a televised debate that insulted Islam. On one occasion Nupur Sharma is said to have mocked the Qur’an. He likened it to “the earth is flat”. Furthermore, Nupur Sharma also insulted the Prophet Muhammad for marrying a very young girl who was only six years old and having an affair with her at the age of nine. The speech was then deleted by the television channel. 


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