Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 16:51 WIB

“Year of the Wood Dragon – a year to lay a foundation for long-term success”


Lely Vy, Feng shui expert

Jakarta, IO – Chinese New Year is a time for celebration, rejuvenation and prosperity, and it is the perfect time to balance your home and workspace with fresh energy. According to feng shui, organizing or redecorating the house in a certain way can create harmony and balance to attract good fortune. 

Feng shui is traditionally rooted in Taoism, with great emphasis on harmony and balance in the environment around us. Feng shui is Feng (wind) and Shui (water), the two elements considered the most important necessities of life for humans. 

“Home feng shui is an ancient topographic science originating from China that believes that a relationship between humans, heaven, and earth can be established in harmony. In interior design, this belief is used to create a comfortable and calming atmosphere for the occupants. To ensure that this year is profitable, it is necessary to stimulate positive energy (chi) by arranging the house according to feng shui,” said Lely Vy, a feng shui expert in the launching event “Hoki Bareng MR. DIY”, on Wednesday, February 7. 

Through feng shui, we learn that arranging furniture or home decorations in the right way can increase the positive energy in the room. Color selection is important in interior design because it must be in harmony with room functions and reflect the personality of the occupants. 

Lely Vy offered several tips for pursuing luck in 2024, one of which is by featuring metal elements and red ornaments, such as decorative flowers, which can attract positive energy to the home. “Don’t forget to include water elements, such as an aquarium or blue-colored water decorations, to bring good luck this year,” said Lely. 

Lely said the year of the dragon is a year of success, intelligence and honor. Meanwhile, wood symbolizes nutrition, evolution, improvement and an abundance of blessings. “So, the year of the wood dragon can be interpreted as a fresh start and a year for paving the foundation for longterm success.” 

To ensure better luck in 2024, positive energy can be aroused at home in several ways. 

Near the entrance, it is advisable to add red accessories. “It is highly recommended that the front door and the surrounding area be clean, neat and fragrant. So, the energy that comes in is good and positive,” said Lely. 

Next, gold elements should be added to the family dining room. “The dining room is a place where the family gathers, enjoying the results of their hard work. So, it will be better if you add gold accessories this year. Gold represents greatness, good luck,” added Lely. 

The southwest corner of the house is believed to bring goodness in 2024. Thus, Lely suggested placing a clock there. “Clocks signify time, and hopefully, time will bring good fortune in 2024. If possible, set a red clock in place.” 

Lely also warned about bed placement – avoid sleeping with your head pointed at a bathroom, which is believed to bring bad luck and make you prone to illness. According to feng shui, the eastern area will bring good luck in 2024. Placing your head in the east corner is also believed to improve your health,” she added. 

In 2024, the sunshine will not be so bright, a situation which can be ameliorated by using bright lights in the house. “A house with bright lights is believed to bring goodness. Positive energy is more likely to enter a bright house,” explained Lely. 

For more luck to enter the house, it is recommended to place the water element in the east corner. “The east is the area of goodness in 2024, and the water element will be the luckiest. So, you can place something that contains the water element in the east, an aquarium or home decorations that contain water in that corner,” Lely suggested. 

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MR. DIY, which organized the event, is a household items merchant, including products related to the Year of the Wood Dragon. “We want to meet the diverse needs of consumers who come from diverse societies, including respecting those who celebrate the Chinese New Year. The Year of the Wood Dragon is believed to be a symbol of success. So, this year’s luck is an interesting topic to discuss. 

Therefore, this year, MR.DIY invited feng shui experts to share tips about redecorating the house, to attract positive energy and bring good luck,” said Ria Sutrisno, the Head of Marketing of MR.DIY Indonesia. (rp)


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