Friday, May 3, 2024 | 12:22 WIB

Student from Central Java accepted by 10 globally-renowned universities


Jakarta, IO – Ryura Assyifa Ramadhina (17), a grade 12 student at Pradita Dirgantara High School in Boyolali, Central Java, never expected that she would be accepted by 10 well-known foreign universities she had applied to, reported Kompas, Friday (7/4).

Ramadhina said she deliberately applied to the 10 universities as a backup plan. The 10 universities include University of California (UC) Davis, Queensland University, University of Toronto, Monash University, University of Sydney, Wageningen University & Research (WUR), The University of Western Australia and The University of British Columbia (UBC).

“I have a list of 10 universities as alternatives. So if I was rejected by one, I would still have the others. But it turned out that I was accepted by that all of them,” said Ryura.

I her application, she chose the same program, namely mechanical engineering. Ramadhian said she is interested in the major because she has been fascinated by aerospace ever since she was a child. Her parents used to take her to visit airports. In fact, her sister is a collector of model airplanes.

She said she has been preparing to continue her studies overseas since July 2022. She applied to those universities in November 2022. She finally decided to study at the University of Toronto.

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“Because it focuses more on skills that can be applied in the engineering field,” she explained her reason.

Ramadhina also has talent in singing. She won second prize in a singing competition organized by the Education and Culture Ministry in 2021. She also participated in The Voice Kids Indonesia Season 3 in 2018. Mentored by singing diva Agnez Monica, she managed to reach top 72. (un)


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