Saturday, May 11, 2024 | 14:46 WIB

Six provinces are still “leprosy endemic”


World Leprosy Day 2024

Jakarta, IO – World Leprosy Day is celebrated every year, during the last week of January. Indonesia is in the top three countries with the highest number of leprosy cases. Together with India and Brazil, Indonesia accounts for up to 74% of new leprosy cases worldwide. 

A diagnosis of leprosy was first announced more than 150 years ago. This disease, also known as Hanson disease, is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, with an incubation period of between 40 days and 40 years. 

“Until now, leprosy is still endemic to six provinces in Indonesia. It is called “endemic” because it means there is more than 1 case per 10,000 population. The six leprosy endemic provinces are located in Eastern Indonesia, namely, Papua, West Papua, Gorontalo, North Maluku, Maluku, and North Sulawesi. However, for provinces where leprosy has been eliminated, we must be alert, keep it up to assure new cases emerge. Health workers still have to be aware of this disease, because the symptoms of leprosy resemble other diseases, so it is therefore called the ‘biggest imitator’,” said dr. Melani Marissa, Sp.DVE, Subsp.D.T., dermatologist and venereologist from RSCM Kencana Hospital, Jakarta, in a live IG with the theme “Recognize Leprosy” which was held Monday (29/1/2024). 

dr. Melani Marissa, Sp.DVE, Subsp.D.T.
dr. Melani Marissa, Sp.DVE, Subsp.D.T. (Source: KLINIK SAKTI MEDIKA)

Leprosy can be experienced by anyone, transmitted via droplets from a patient’s cough or sneeze or skin-to-skin contact. “This disease is contagious, but very difficult to transmit. The key is that there must be close contact and for a long duration. This chronic, curable infectious disease mainly causes skin lesions and nerve damage. It mainly affects the skin, eyes, nose, and peripheral nerves. Symptoms include light-colored or red skin patches with reduced sensation, numbness, and weakness in hands and feet. But, please don’t self-diagnose. Patients may also not feel numb because the large skin surface area are exposed to bacteria. However, leprosy can be cured with 6-12 months of multi-drug therapy. Early treatment avoids disability,” she explained. 

Stop Stigmatization 

Meanwhile, in a live IG with the theme “Be Alert and Recognize the Symptoms of Leprosy Around Us” which was held on Tuesday (30/1/2024), dr. Willa Damayanti, Sp.DVE, from Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, said that the average patient is 25-35 years of age, “However, there is also pediatric patient aged 8 years. Weak immune systems and bad environment increase the risk factors for contracting leprosy. Increasing the body’s immunity reduces the risk of infection.” 

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Then dr. Melani emphasized how nearly 90% of patients who take their first day of medicine do not infect others. “Early detection plays an important role in preventing deformity and disability, reducing the risk of transmission, and ensuring effective treatment for patients. Leprosy treatment is provided free of charge at all health centers in Indonesia. Also, stop stigmatization and discrimination against its sufferers, to avoid impairing their mental state. Patients who experience self-stigma will usually think that it is difficult to recover so that their quality of life suffers,” she concluded. 

To avoid contracting disease easily, increase your body’s immunity by consuming a balanced diet of nutritious food, get enough rest, exercise regularly for 150 minutes per week, and learn to manage stress. (est)


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