Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 18:56 WIB

President Jokowi’s Biography Launched in Japanese


Jakarta, IO – The biography titled “Jokowi Mewujudkan Mimpi Indonesia” (Jokowi realizes the Indonesian Dream) authored by Darmawan Prasodjo was officially launched in Japanese version at the Akasaka Intercity Conference Center (AICC), Tokyo, Thursday (23/5).

The biography had previously been translated into English, Arabic, Korean and Spanish. The launch of the book which recounts the life and works of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Indonesia’s 7th leader, was warmly received by the Japanese public. It is hoped that the book can strengthen the already good relations between Indonesia and Japan, per CNN Indonesia, Tue (28/5).

Deputy Indonesian ambassador to Japan, Maria Renata Hutagalung, noted that the leadership of President Jokowi has proven effective in improving the country’s economic performance and enhancing its global stature.

“Development in the era of President Jokowi has been phenomenal. Many development dreams that before were only envisioned can be realized by Mr Jokowi,” said Maria.

“For most Indonesian people, Mr Jokowi is a very inspirational figure and has inspired many people globally.” 

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She hoped the book can also inspire the Japanese people. Meanwhile, the author Darmawan Prasodjo said that the book is not only based on a technocratic perspective, but also about how Jokowi was able to map the Indonesian dream and translate them into effective policies.

“Not only does President Jokowi finish his term with rapid economic growth, he also provides access to education and healthcare for the entire nation and utilizes national resources to enhance the welfare of the people,” said Darmawan. (un)


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