Saturday, May 4, 2024 | 11:04 WIB

No proof that BPA causes cancer


Prof. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, Sp.PD-KHOM, and dr. Laurentius Aswin Pramono, Sp.PD, M.Epid.
Prof. dr. Aru Wisaksono Sudoyo, Sp.PD-KHOM, and dr. Laurentius Aswin Pramono, Sp.PD, M.Epid. (Special Doc.)

Etiologically, there is no strong causality between BPA and various illnesses, such as cancer and endocrine disruption in a global scale, “Unlike the strong correlation between cigarette and lung cancer, or between the HPV virus and cervical cancer. These are found to have strong etiological causality relations,” dr. Aswin said. 

Again, he emphasizes that not a single study has conclusively proven that there is a causality correlation between BPA and health problems. “There are only laboratory studies on rats and cells. Therefore, we cannot conclude that BPA causes cancer or endocrinal and hormonal problems. The more significant factors that may cause such endocrinal and hormonal problems that we need to pay more attention to is an unhealthy lifestyle. To prevent it, it’s the usual simple but much neglected efforts of healthy food consumption, regular exercise, sufficient rest, and avoidance of stress.” 

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In closing, Prof. Aru states that the best way to reduce the incidence of cancer is the preventive measure of the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. “We need to remember that curative efforts cost much more than preventive ones. Data from Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates shows a low incidence of cancer in the region, even though they consume goat meat massively. This is because they have the habit of discarding the fats and do not heat the meat using high temperatures, the latter which is proven to change the cells of the red meat and trigger the growth of cancerous cells,” he added. (est)


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