Sunday, May 12, 2024 | 16:11 WIB


Bangka Belitung ties up with ITS to develop electrical transport

IO, Surabaya - Bangka Belitung is an archipelagic province covering 463 islands in total, just 48 of which are inhabited. Similar to other such areas, distribution of petroleum-based fuel remains a critical issue faced...

Increasing maritime technology research, DMU cooperate with ITS

IO, Surabaya - As a Center of Excellence in maritime technology field in Indonesia, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya attracted many foreign universities to cooperate. One of them is the largest maritime...

With ODF, ITS liberates areas of uncontrolled aquaculture

Surabaya - People's health awareness is still low; random defecation (BABS), for instance, has attracted the attention of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, to help improve conditions by launching an “Open Defecation...

Prasetiya Mulya University – Graduates keep up with a globalized world

IO, Jakarta - The era of globalization as it is today and an Indonesia more open to foreign markets requires Indonesian graduates to understand and respond to current business challenges and demands, so that...

ITS inaugurates a Professor who develops anticancer compounds

IO, Surabaya - The tenth November (sepuluh nopember) Institute of Technology (ITS) again inaugurated one of its honourable academic members as Professor in the field of Pure Chemistry, Tuesday (15/5), which certainly give new...

ITS guides five East Java universities to settle SPMI

IO, Surabaya - After years of first-grade accreditation status given by the National Higher Education Accreditation Board (BAN-PT), Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) was again embraced by the Directorate General of Learning and Student...

River and IRIS ITS robots winners at KRI 2018 Regional IV

IO, Surabaya – The robot team of the Tenth of November Institute (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember – “ITS”) Surabaya won the Robot ABU-Robocon Indonesia Contest (KRAI) and the Wheeled Soccer Robots of Indonesia Contest...

ITS students represent Indonesia to study Industrial Revolution 4.0

IO, Surabaya - With the current rapid technological development, the world has now entered the 4th era of Industrial Revolution known as the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Digital economic patterns, artificial intelligence, robots, and so...

Nautical and Maritime Security Satellite by LAPAN and ITS

IO, Surabaya - Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya has hailed the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) to develop the utilization of satellite data. Through this partnership, ITS and LAPAN are...

Improving English proficiency, ITS students invent “Word War” game

IO, Surabaya - In this modern era, various websites provide learning improvement services on a day-to-day basis. But unfortunately, current learning media have not been able to provide mutual response to their users or...

Siklame to ease advertising tax payments

IO, Surabaya – Growing presence of billboards, especially within Surabaya’s perimeters, is often not proportional with billboard tax revenues paid to authorities, thus creating new problems. Answering to this case, three students from ITS...

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