Sunday, May 19, 2024 | 13:16 WIB

Bekasi Museum, keeping a record of struggle against colonialism


The Juang 45 Building, Bekasi. (IO/Umamah)

As time went on, the old building has now been transformed into the place of choice for Bekasi residents to learn about the history of their hometown.

As the name suggests, the Bekasi Museum keeps a record of the land starting from prehistoric times, from 1000 BC (BC) to 500 AD (AD) as evidenced by archaeological items in the form of sites and artefacts.

It used to be part of the Tarumanegara Kingdom whose administration was centered in Bekasi.  Portraits of inscriptions describe the life under King Purnawarman’s reign.

After Tarumanegara Kingdom, Bekasi was ruled by the Dutch from 1602 to 1799. The museum also displays grassroots movements against the colonialists that evolved into the national movement to fight for independence.

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One interesting thing about the museum is its neat presentation. Each era is represented by illustrations and images that depict the actual events. Some parts of the story are even presented in digital form, making this museum even more fun to explore.

The Bekasi Museum in Gedung Juang 45 is open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9 am to 4 pm WIB. Entrance is free. (un)


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