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Keep your bones healthy – monitor your osteoporosis risk factors


Jakarta, IO – World Osteoporosis Day is commemorated on 20 October. Literally meaning “porous bones”, osteoporosis is defined by the WHO as “a disease characterized by low bone mass accompanied by changes in the micro-architecture of the bones and the degradation of its tissues”. In this condition, the bones thin out. With this loss of density, quality, strength, and flexibility are also degraded. Individuals suffering from this condition are vulnerable to bone breakages, which are very painful and cause disability, loss of mobility and independence, and a serious reduction in the quality of life. 

“Osteoporosis is one of those afflictions known as ‘silent diseases’, because most people are unaware that they have this disorder until a bone fractures. It is estimated that one of every three women and one of every five men aged 50 and above worldwide will suffer from brittle bones and bone breakages through the remainder of their lives. By 2050, the incidence of hip bone breakage in men worldwide is expected to multiply by 310%, in women by 240% compared to 1990 rates. Let us prevent that by making efforts to keep our bones healthy from now on,” declared Dr. dr. Maxi Rein Rondonuwu, DHSM, MARS, Ministry of Health Director General of the Prevention and Control of Diseases, in the “Keep Your Bones Healthy for a Better Life” virtual seminar held on Tuesday (24/10/2023). 

Around the world, osteoporosis causes 8.9 million bone breakages a year, or one bone breakage every 3 seconds each day. “The fact is that bone degradation can happen to anyone. A healthy lifestyle includes sufficient ingestion of calcium and vitamin D every day. Initial symptoms include back, hip, or joint pains, and the onset of the disease can be checked using Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD). Unfortunately, only 75 units of this equipment are available in Indonesia per 2022, while the annual number of fractures (2 million cases) is higher than the annual incidence of strokes (800,000), heart attacks (735,000), or breast cancer (232,924). Osteoporosis is treatable, and the medication is covered by the BPJS Kesehatan health security,” observed dr. Bagus Putu Putra Suryana, Sp. PD-KR, FINASIM, medical staff of dr. Saiful Anwar General Hospital Malang, and a member of the Indonesia Osteoporosis Association (Perosi). 

Slowing Down Bone Degradation At the same event, dr. Ade Jeanne D.L. Tobing, Sp.KO, reminded us that physical exercise is an important step to protect the bones, slow the rate of bone degradation, increase bone strength and density, and prevent falls. It is one of the ways to prevent diseases that can start from a young age, with the consequence that it keeps you from falling victim to it as you age. Individuals who do not move their muscles enough have a bigger risk of contracting osteoporosis as they get older. 

“However, physical activity, physical exercise, and sports are all different. Non-exercise physical activity (NEPA) is all sorts of movement made by the body by contracting the framework muscles that expend energy, such as gardening. Physical exercise is a planned, structured, and repeated activity performed as a means to improve and maintain physical health and stamina. On the other hand, sports is a structured, competitive physical activity that is performed according to specific rules, meant to secure a specific achievement. Any of these three activity types can be performed at home, at school or work, while traveling, or during leisure time,” dr. Ade said. 

There are three types of exercise that can prevent osteoporosis: “First, strengthening exercise, with a minimum frequency of twice a week. Exercise your arms, chest, shoulder, back, and legs. Use weights – your own weight as well as external weights such as dumbbells, rubber bands, barbells. Repeat each movement 8-15 times a session. Second, balance exercise, with a frequency of one set daily. This includes tai-chi, dancing, walking on tiptoes, making use of the heels, standing on one leg, walking in a straight line. Third, medium-intensity aerobics exercise, with a speaking test, at a frequency of at least 150-300 minutes a week,” she said. 

Recall the “FITT” principle when exercising. “Frequency”, how often exercise is performed (2-3 times a week); “Intensity”, how hard the exercise is (8-15 repetitions, 1-3 sets, using dumbbells weighing approximately 1 kg); “Time”, the duration of the exercise (15-30 minutes, depending on how many muscles are being trained); and “Type”, what kind of exercise is being performed (dumbbells, machine, bars, rubber bands). 

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Based on the principle of disease prevention, primary or health maintenance exercises in children, teen, and young adults are meant to avoid osteoporosis. If you already suffer from osteoporosis even though you are not yet 50, or if you are undergoing menopause, these specific exercises under the supervision of certified trainers will help you prevent osteoporosis. 

Finally, in a tertiary stage, wherein you suffer osteoporosis and broken bones, or at the age of 70 or older, it is meant to rehabilitate the body and prevent a recurrence of the problem. Finally, dr. Ade said that regular weightlifting and muscle-building exercises should be accompanied with a healthy diet for the bones, i.e. sufficient ingestion of calcium vitamin D, accompanied by no smoking, no alcohol, and regular checking of your risk factors. (est)


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