Thursday, May 2, 2024 | 05:06 WIB

Structured, systematic, and massive

IO – Did you know that the first input errors were detected even when submitted input was still 1% of the existing number of Voting Points (Tempat Pemungutan Suara – “TPS”)? One discovery led to another. Initially, only 5 cases were acknowledged, then 24, then this spiked to 101. How many hundreds of cases are acknowledged now? Oddly, nearly all errors result in damage to the Prabowo-Sandi side: from moving the number of votes obtained, reducing the number of votes gained by Prabowo-Sandi, to the addition of 1,650 votes for Jokowi-Amin. Wow, that is amazing!

However, is it true that the number of erroneous inputs is only in the hundreds? What happens to the Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum – “KPU”)’s Voting Count Information System (Sistem Informasi Penghitungan Suara – “Situng”) program? Because it is clear that the system is simply ridiculous! Yes, can you imagine that Situng KPU does not seem to have inputter validation? How difficult is it to create a validation order if the total valid votes = valid votes earned by Presidential Candidate Pair 1 + valid votes earned by Presidential Candidate Pair 2? Then there would be no need for the silliness of having total valid vote input not equal to the total of valid votes earned by Presidential Candidate Pair 1 and Presidential Candidate Pair 2 respectively!

What are the consequences of this error? There are tens or even hundreds of inputs wherein the resulting total valid votes is different from the total of valid votes earned by Presidential Candidate Pair 01 and Presidential Candidate Pair 02.

What is so hard to make the validation order that it is not possible to input more than 300 votes from each TPS, as that is the average number of voters in each TPS? Yes, there are some TPS that has more voters, but that’s not more than 10 TPS at most, and it would be easy to register them as exceptions!

The oddity relating to Situng KPU is not only about inputter validation. There is also no validation for uploading C1 Form scan. What happens then? Data from thousands of TPS was uploaded without C1 Form scans. Where did the figures they inputted come from then? How would the people be able to help sorting out input errors? Is it deliberate, as there are thousands of TPS submit their vote counts without uploading C1 Form scan?

What are the consequences of this lack of validation? Many wrongful inputs of more than 300 votes, or a total of the number of valid voters registered in the Final Voters’ List (Daftar Pemilih Tetap – “DPT”), even up to the thousands. This simple validation alone would have been able to save tens, even hundreds of errors from being made. Then why didn’t they do it? If they had implemented these 3 simple validation measures, i.e. validation of the number of valid votes, validation of limit votes per TPS, and the mandatory upload of C1 Form scans, these thousands of errors need not occur and there is no need for national outrage relating to the oddities in Situng KPU to occur.

However, Situng KPU problems are more than just erroneous inputs due to lack of validation. Many things have occurred. Please check this moment-by-moment account of oddities, so you can correct them – or even add to them:

1. Errors have been occurring since the start of inputting. It was initially denied, but after it went viral, KPU Chairman threatened to report anyone stating that there is fraud without proof. However, after netizens fought back, he finally admitted to that there are input errors that occur evenly in all regions.

2. After the explosion of erroneous inputs occurs, another pattern of errors was found in the form of uploading and input of data belonging to other TPS. There are not a few of these occurrences, and netizens went on another uproar.

3. A more massive error occurred, i.e. data input without uploading C1 Form scans. It occurred in every other district or sub-district, and it is naturally worse because it occurred massively, with figures entering the count without anyone controlling them. If there are 500 TPS in each district, how much data from TPS is inputted without including the upload of C1 Form scans? How many thousands of inputs can the people not control because there are no C1 forms accompanying them?

4. After data input without C1, there are also input of figures without TPS context, so that when we click on the link for TPS data, the display shows “data unavailable”. What about the numbers? Many!

5. Many C1 form scans are found to be different from the ones held by the witnesses. Some were even found to be deliberately scratched, deleted, containing different signatures, difference between the tally and the numbers described, and still many more other C1-related oddities. There are also C1 Forms that are not signed by the witnesses. Isn’t this counted as forgery?

6. Many C1 Form uploads contain no addresses, so we cannot confirm whether the C1 is according to the inputted address, as there are many erroneous uploads of TPS data and many uploaded C1 Forms were found to be different from the ones being held by witnesses.

7. There are thousands of votes reduced from count of voting done abroad. This info comes from BPN friends who monitor elections abroad, who said that votes from abroad in Situng KPU are reduced automatically by the thousands. It’s odd isn’t it? Hopefully there is admin log available, so we would know who changes the data. If data from abroad is reduced drastically, it is not impossible for it to occur in the country.

8. Why is the KPU so slow in inputting data into Situng KPU in 2019, unlike in 2014? Many said that it is because the incumbent is losing, while others suspect it is for lower adjustments, as there are many C1 Forms found to be different from the ones kept by the witnesses. No matter what, this delay causes many speculations and shows the lack of KPU’s professionalism.

9. The actual graph moves in the 44%-45% to 54%-55% range and everyone notes this. It is very odd, because it is seemed to be kept to match the QC. Why are there more data from Presidential Candidate 01 supporting areas being inputted than data from Presidential Candidate 02 areas? Is it to manage the count to remain in this range? Why do they input figures without uploading C1 Forms? In order to speed things up, or so that the people cannot correct and control the count?

10. KPU suddenly published the following disclaimer:

“The data shown in Situng KPU is not the official result of the vote count. The determination of voting summary is being performed in stages according to region in open plenary meetings.”

This raises the question: if the Situng KPU has many errors and is not the final reference, wouldn’t it be better to close it temporarily and avoid influencing the people further? Many are already influenced by these results. Or is it the deliberate reason they seek to achieve? I cannot say, KPU would know better.

By the way, do the slogans “Satu Suara Untuk Perubahan” (“One Vote for Change”) or “Jujur Itu Hebat” (“Honesty is Great”) still matter if the figures change randomly and it is simply impossible to find out the truth? Is there still meaning that more than 255 lives of the sons and daughters of the nations were lost in this Election? We can only pray that their sacrifices are not wasted.





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