Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 15:41 WIB

Prabowo offers the most concrete assistance for Palestinians in Gaza, international law expert notes


Jakarta, IO – University of Indonesia professor and international law expert Hikmahanto Juwana appreciates the concrete actions by the Indonesian government through Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto to help address the emergency situation in the Gaza Strip. In his view, Indonesia is the only country with the most concrete assistance to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza.

This was reflected in Prabowo’s firm speech at the High-Level Conference “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” that concluded some time ago in Amman, Jordan. “Compared to other participating countries in the conference, Indonesia’s stance was the most concrete and boldest.”

He said Indonesia was not all talk and no action by offering to accommodate 1,000 patients and 1,000 students to be treated and schooled in Indonesia.

“I see that Indonesia’s courage will be noted by other countries, especially the US and Israel, and this could be a concern for the US and Israel,” he said, Friday (14/6).

He believed this action plan can pressure Israel and its closest ally the US to stop the acts of genocide.

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“Moreover, the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council seem to be powerless to stop Israel’s barbaric actions,” he noted.

Hikmahanto hoped the Indonesian government’s concrete action plans can be followed by other countries.

“I really do hope that Mr. Prabowo’s real initiatives can lead to the establishment of a humanitarian coalition. What the world needs right now to stop Israel is a sense of humanity. I am sure that if we talk about humanity it will be supported by many parties,” he said.


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