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New domestic outbreak of human anthrax


Jakarta, IO – Hot on the heels of the recent rabies breakout, Indonesians are again surprised with the reappearance of anthrax in some of its provinces. Rabies and anthrax, as in the case of Avian flu, monkey pox, or leptospirosis, are diseases that spread by zoonosis, i.e. from infected animals to humans. 

What is anthrax actually? 

“Anthrax is a disease caused by the Bacillus anthracis bacteria. It generally attacks herbivorous animals like cattle, goats, and sheep, who may transfer their infection to humans. It does not attack cold-blooded animals like snakes or fish. When they come into contact with the air, anthrax bacteria will form spores that are extremely resistant to specific environments and chemicals, such as disinfectants. These spores can survive underground for decades, and can still infect animals and people even after such a long time has passed,” warned dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro in the “Latest Situation of Human Anthrax Cases in Our Country” live IG session, held on Monday (10/7/2023). 

dr. Imran Pambudi, MPHM
dr. Imran Pambudi, MPHM (IO/Esti)

Initial signs of anthrax infection among farm animals include anxiety, difficulty breathing, tendency to lie down, and spasms. Left untreated, it will end in death. “Therefore, please be alert if you have cattle or other farm animals who suddenly die with these symptoms, accompanied by bleeding nose or mouth, or a swelling in their abdomen or genitals. Such animals must be cremated before being buried to prevent further spreading of the infection,” dr. Reisa said.

During the same event, the Ministry of Health’s Director of the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases, dr. Imran Pambudi, MPHM, went on to describe the four types of anthrax among humans: “Dermal anthrax, generally indicated by skin inflammations; respiratory anthrax, marked by an inflammation of the lung – the most deadly type; digestive anthrax, marked by intestinal inflammation accompanied by stomach swellings and/or hemorrhaging; and injection anthrax. Infection occurs because of consumption of contaminated meat or direct contact with anthrax spores in the air. Note that it is so deadly that adversaries may employ it as a biological weapon,” he declared. 

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Cannot be Eliminated 

Even worse, anthrax cannot be eliminated. In other words, we can only be constantly aware of the disease if we live in an endemic area, because again, the spore survives for decades. “If you feel that you have interacted with animals suspected of anthrax, immediately take a full wash with shampoo and soap. No, just washing your hands is not enough prevention. Contact the nearest health facility at once to get prophylactic treatment,” dr. Imran said.

Finally, dr. Reisa reiterates the importance of maintaining and strengthening the body’s immunity by consuming nutritious foods and implementing a healthy lifestyle. “We all know that prevention is better than cure. In terms of anthrax prevention, make sure that the meat you are consuming is safe to eat. Don’t be seduced by a low price. Cook your meat until it is well done. Again, head to the nearest health facility as soon as you notice symptoms. The doctor will usually prescribe an antibiotic regime for you. Make sure you follow the routine closely, and consume the medication properly according to dosage until it is finished.” (est)


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