Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 17:22 WIB

Jokowi hopes WWF 2024 will lead to inclusive and sustainable water management


Jakarta, IO – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Monday (21/5) said the 2024 World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali must serve as a momentum for various countries in the world to improve water management.

Jokowi hoped the international forum can manifest in real actions and joint commitment, produce valuable knowledge, encourage innovative solutions, and realize integrated water resources (SDA) management.

“We should strengthen commitment and formulate real actions related to inclusive and sustainable water management,” said Jokowi, per Kompas, Tue (21/5).

According to him, water plays a critical role in human life. He warned that water shortages could slow economic growth by up to 6 percent until 2050.

He pointed out that in the past 10 years, Indonesia has strengthened water infrastructure by building 42 dams and 1.18 million hectares of irrigation networks. “We have also rehabilitated 4.3 million hectares of irrigation network, as well as building 2,156 kilometers of flood control and coastal protection infrastructure.”

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Jokowi explained that Indonesia consistently pushed for three things at the forum. First, increasing the principles of solidarity and inclusiveness to achieve solutions to common challenges, especially for small island countries that experience water scarcity.

Read: Prabowo To Continue Indonesia’s Commitment To World Water Management During His Administration

Second, empowering hydro-diplomacy to establish concrete and innovative cooperation. “Third, strengthening political leadership as the key to the success of various forms of cooperation towards sustainable water security,” he said.

To this end, Indonesia has adopted four new initiatives, namely the establishment of “World Lake Day”, center of excellence in the Asia Pacific region, sustainable water management in small island countries, and promoting water projects to ensure political commitment becomes real action.

“Water is not just a natural product but a collaborative product that connects and unites us all,” stressed Jokowi. (un)


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