The collaboration itself was truly unique as Ina Priyono is known as a seasoned fashion designer while Kalya Mahiya is a young designer who has just stepped into the fashion scene. Having said that, Kalya has had DNA in her work. “Usually my work is a combination of ecoprints and Indonesian literature,” said Kalya.
“An eye-catching color is the strength of a design. I chose an ecoprint with sage color, while Mrs. Ina chose terracotta brocade. After the two materials are combined, the result is truly outstanding,” said Kalya.
Through Semarang Fashion Trend, Kalya learned how to create good designs on the fashion show stage. “I saw a lot of unique works by the senior designers who were able to create works with a lot of details and well thought out,” said Kalya.
What is Kalya’s hope? “I want to stay true to the DNA of Praveena but still with a combination of ecoprint and Indonesian literature,” said Kalya, who masters dozens of Indonesian traditional dances.
For Ina Priyono, who has been in the industry for 26 years, what is her message for young designers? “Of course in this business, we seek profit, but don’t forget the rules. We can make fashion products, but we have to think that the waste is disposed of in the right place so it doesn’t pollute the environment,” said Ina.
In her ecoprint production process, Kalya also goes to great length to ensure that the waste does not pollute the environment. This is because ecoprint uses natural materials such as plant fiber (viscose cotton) and animal fibers (silk) meaning that the process is environmentally friendly. The waste can be used as fertilizer or handicrafts. Usually, the plants used for making motifs on ecoprint fabrics are easy to find because they grow in the surrounding environment.
Read: The Kalya Mahiya design based on the concept of True Love
Ina Priyono, chairwoman of the Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC) Semarang, as well as chief executive of Semarang Fashion Trend 2023, said the big concept of this event is as the culmination of the latest developments in the ready-to-wear fashion industry based on “Craft Fashion” in Central Java.
The event also sought to promote new young designers. Central Java has a wealth of fashion potential that can be harnessed. In addition, it has competitiveness that is on par with other provinces in Indonesia. (des)