Monday, May 6, 2024 | 19:00 WIB

China and the Contemporary World


Jakarta, IO – The study and analysis of international relations of other Countries and Peoples are a prerequisite for the advancement of peace and an intrinsic requirement for promoting globalization and respect for diversity. This is all part of the mutual cultural exchanges that include travels and visits of people, as well as transmission of experiences, mutual influence of customs and traditions, dissemination of ideas, politics, literature, art, etc. There are various channels for exchanges, such as government envoys, citizens studying abroad, trade, craftsmen, etc. Wars and imprisonment also provided channels for exchanges related to international relations. 

In this regard, we should recall when the Venetian Marco Polo was captured by the Genoese and dictated to the Pisan Amedeo Rustico, known as Rustichello, the well-known travelogue Il Milione (The Travels of Marco Polo). Marco Polo brought – inter alia – the world’s first account, outside the borders of Asia, of the complete life of Buddha, with the addition of the construction of the statue in his honour and the news of the eighty four zoomorphic incarnations popularized by his father. 

But let us revert to our topic. In modern times, in this era of deepening economic internationalization and regional groupings, the soft power role played by culture has become increasingly important in the projection of foreign policy – in particular – and international relations. Therefore, strengthening cultural exchanges between Italy and the People’s Republic of China and other countries is therefore an essential part of the modernization and advancement process that is taking giant steps in your country in the development of the Chinese People: in this way all countries reap mutual benefits. 

The depth and breadth of cultural exchanges between the People’s Republic of China and other countries vary, and the degree of influence and results achieved also change from era to era. 

However, they are a historical need, and the Middle Empire’s ancient process of exchanges and interactions has always brought about reasons for coexistence and peace. 

The cultural exchanges and mutual travels of great political figures and ordinary citizens like me foster: 

1. the promotion of culture in the world, as well as the expansion of common attractiveness and influence, and improve the cultural competitiveness of countries and the overall national strength of each State; 

2. the knowledge and assimilation of the outstanding cultural achievements of the various ethnic groups and nationalities that make up the People’s Republic of China; 

3. mutual learning between the various cultures of our two countries, drawing on the parties’ strengths and weaknesses, maintaining the diversity of world culture and promoting prosperity and development; 

3. the strengthening of friendship and mutual understanding between countries and peoples, fostering friendly and cooperative relations with people from all States of the world, promoting peace and development while striving to build a harmonious future for all. 

The meaning of all this is reaffirmed mainly by the two aspects of foreign policy and international relations. The evolution of the meaning of both of these features also implies the direction of development in meeting world’s basic needs, and facing the harsh natural environment, for improving the quality of life where people are born, grow and work. 

On the basis of these founding principles of peaceful coexistence, I would like to modestly and briefly outline the policies, and recent history of international relations of the People’s Republic of China, as I have learnt them over the course of my life both as a student, as a mere traveller, and in subsequent readings and insights and thanks to the friendship ties I have the honour of entertaining with China’s highest dignitaries. * * * 


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