Saturday, April 27, 2024 | 06:48 WIB


New exhibition at Textile museum: The development of Jakarta batik

IO - The new exhibition at the Textile Museum entitled “The Development of Jakarta Batik” celebrates the 42nd anniversary of both the city of Jakarta as well as Wastraprema the oldest society for Indonesian...

Defeat and Victory

IO - On the 24th of May 2018 one of Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana’s major works and arguably his best novel “Defeat and Victory” (original title “Kalah dan Menang”) was launched in Germany under the...

Another heritage building bites the dust: 17th century VOC structure at Anchor Wharf collapses

IO - On Friday the 1st of June 2018 another Jakarta heritage building suffered heavy damage when part of the building collapsed. Unfortunately, the VOC shipyard known as the Anchor Wharf is part of...

Historical Indonesian Communities of Bangkok

IO - The fourth and current Thai kingdom known as the Rattanakosin Kingdom was founded in 1782 with the establishment of Rattanakosin as the capital city. Rattanakosin means the Jewel of Indra and it...

The ecological meaning of fasting during Ramadhan

IO - In the teachings of Islam, fasting during Ramadhan is an important religious observation that is clearly mentioned in the Qur’an (Al-Baqarah : 183-188). Linguistically, imsak (fasting) means time to commence to “restrict...

How to love Jakarta?

OI - Someone once asked me “Why do you hate Jakarta?” This got me thinking. In fact, I had slowly adapted to life in Indonesia’s capital city after spending time in Singapore for my...

Cleaning the Citarum, dirtiest River in the world – faster than expected. Hats off to the Army and the Green Goddess!

IO - Some have described the Citarum as the dirtiest river in the world. Whether that is completely accurate or not, it certainly falls within the category of the world’s dirtiest rivers. The river...

Temperature: A refreshingly attractive exhibition by women ceremic artists

To celebrate Kartini Day last Saturday, the  21st of April 2018 the Fine Arts and Ceramics Museum in Taman Fatahillah, West Jakarta launched the first Indonesian ceramics exhibition solely by women ceramics artists. IO...

In defence of Kartini

“In order to reach our ideals we must lay down many illusions. From the death of young spring blossoms, the strong fruit ripens. It is so with human life- is it not? From the...

Prince Philip: monarchies today and what his life has meant for the British monarchy (Part I)

IO - HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh passed away last Friday, the 9 th of April 2021. His early life was viewed by many in the British establishment as quite dramatic. Besides...

Archaeologists urge Government to address disaster mitigation for heritage buildings after spate of disasters

IO - In 2015 the Jin de Yuan (or Vihara Darma Bhakti) temple which is the oldest Chinese temple in Jakarta was heavily damaged by fire.  Last year Bastion Zeeburg and part of the...

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