Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 17:33 WIB


Monitor blood pressure, maintain levels to live longer

WHO commemorates World Hypertension Day globally on 17 May every year. This year, the theme of “Measure Your Blood Pressure, Control It, Live Longer” is the chosen motto, since the prevalence of hypertension across the globe, including in Indonesia, has changed little over the past three decades. An Indonesian Society of Hypertension (“InaSH”) 2018 Survey shows that out of the 68,846 respondents with an age average of 45 years, 27,331 (30.8%) suffer from hypertension. Among these sufferers, only 13,018 (47.6%) of them are aware that they have the condition, and even though 47.4 % of sufferers take medication, 10,106 patients (78%) fail to reach their medication targets.

Let’s make lupus visible

World Lupus Day is commemorated on 10 May each year. This year, WHO’s theme for the day is “Let’s Make Lupus Visible”. The commemoration is an effort to make people all over the world become more aware of lupus, an autoimmune disease suffered by more than 5 million worldwide, and support lupus sufferers. This disease is both genetic and caused by the environment, and it strongly affects the quality of its sufferers’ lives. Of the 5 million sufferers world wide , 10% - 20% a r e children, with a gender infection ratio of 5 females per each 1 male. 

The increasing need for telemedicine, sharpening employee productivity and performance

Jakarta, IO - Productive employees will carry out their duties in less time, thereby reducing the company’s operating costs and increasing profits. A survey from the Non-profit Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) shows that more than 90% of business owners agree that employee health can affect employee productivity and performance. Thus, it is a wise business decision for employers to do their utmost to ensure the health of their employees. 

Beware of the resurgence of acute hepatitis with unknown etiology

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, the world is again stunned with the resurgence of acute and sudden hepatitis with unknown etiology in multiple countries, starting in January of this year. The disease struck down babies as young as a month old, and teenagers up to 16 years of age. The WHO announced that this is an Extraordinary Occurrence, and that they are investigating the causes of this mysterious outbreak.

The ABCDs of malaria prevention

“World Malaria Day” is commemorated every 25 April, with this year’s theme being “Creating Innovations, Achieving Elimination: Working towards Malaria-Free Indonesia in 2030”.

The importance of moisturized skin

The human body is comprised of 60%-70% water, a level that ensures that the body’s organs perform optimally. Naturally, the skin, as the largest single organ and cover of the body, may also dehydrate, just like inner organs. It requires sustained moisture to maintain freshness and elasticity at all times, as this will optimize protection of inner organs. Before it is too late, look out for signs of dry skin and find solutions as quickly as you can. 

Remaining healthy during mudik travels

Mudik, returning to the hometown, is an annual cultural ritual Indonesians perform during long religious holidays, especially during Eid-el-Fitr. People who work and live in Indonesia’s major cities go in droves back to their parents’ hometown at such times. After having issued mudik prohibitions back in 2020 and 2021 because of high Covid-19 caseloads, the Government finally allows the people to revert to their beloved Eid-el-Fitr ritual this year. 

Celebrating Eid al-Fitr while benefiting the body

Awareness of living a healthy life must also be done consistently in one’s everyday rounds, ranging from eating habits, exercise, and adequate rest every day, not least during Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr. According to dr. Vikie Nouvrisia Anandaputri, Sp.GK, M.Gizi, at the education program titled “Good Knowledge, Good Health” held by Good Doctor Technology Indonesia (GDTI) and The London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Communication & Business Institute on Friday (22/04/2022), the month of Ramadan can actually be a way to recommit to living a healthy and balanced lifestyle. 

Preventing unusual medical occurrences in basic immunization

World Immunization Week (“WIW”) is an event held in April every year to improve the people’s awareness of routine immunization. It has a different theme each year, to focus on a specific issue that the WHO want people to become aware of. The global WIW 2022 theme is “Long Life for All”, while in Indonesia it is “Keeping the Family Healthy through the Pandemic with Complete Immunization”. 

National Elders Day 2022 Skin care for elders

The National Elders Day is commemorated every 29 May. “Elders” are defined as members of the population 60 years or older, and this number continues to increase every year. Statistics Indonesia data shows that there are 29.3 million elders in Indonesia in 2021, or 10.82% of the total population. That’s one of the top five in the world. The increase in elderly citizen numbers means that various problems and illnesses specific to them will become more prominent in society as well. 

Making sports part of your healthy lifestyle

Awareness of physical health is very much heightened during pandemic. One of the best ways to avoid getting infected is by raising one’s immunity level through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. This includes routine consumption of healthful foods, routine physical activity, sufficient resting, stopping tobacco usage and avoiding stress. What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle anyway? 

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