Monday, June 24, 2024 | 02:56 WIB


Maher Zain’s Silaturahmi concert in 8 cities

IO, Jakarta – Light tone of voice, gentle lyrics, and strongly solemn arrangements that evoke divine feelings – these are the musical characteristics of Swedish religious singer Maher Zain. His music, which uses nasheed...

2019 Hodgepodge Superfest

IO, Jakarta – The Hodgepodge Superfest 2019 to be held on 31 August-1 September 2019 will be a festival of the latest genres of music, presented by Java Festival Production in cooperation with Supermusic. The Festival’s organizers...

Traveloka to cooperate with JR West

IO, Jakarta – Travel and lifestyle platform Traveloka has officially launched a new product, in cooperation with West Japan Railway (JR-West). Traveloka Rail and Connectivity VP Abraham Soedjito stated that with the introduction of this product, tourists travelling to...

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Tirta Empul Temple, a holy Balinese spring