Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 18:59 WIB

Candidates under 30 years of age can contest regional elections, MA rules


Jakarta, IO – The Supreme Court (MA) officially revised the age limitation for regional head candidates on Wednesday (30/5). As long as one is 30 by the time of the inauguration, they can register their candidacy in regional elections, per CNN Indonesia, Fri (31/5).

MA declared that Article 4(1.d) of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) 9/2020 is not in accordance with Law 10/2016 on regional elections. This means the article does not have binding legal force unless the minimum age is calculated from the inauguration date of the elected candidate pairs.

This decision was granted by the chief judge Yulius and member of the judge panel Cerah Bangun. The petition was submitted by the Indonesian Guard of Change Party (Garuda). Its deputy chairman Teddy Gusnaidi said this will allow many young people to run in the governor, regent and mayor elections in 2024.

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He dismissed the allegation that the judicial review was filed to facilitate the candidacy of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s youngest son, Kaesang Pangarep, to run in Jakarta governor election.

Currently, Kaesang is 29 years old and will turn 30 on December 25. “This ruling will benefit all young candidates, not just Mas Kaesang,” stressed Teddy. (un)


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