Sunday, June 23, 2024 | 06:49 WIB

Rumaket 2024, facilitating inter-community dialogue toward the sustainable preservation of Yogyakarta City’s cultural heritage


Jakarta, IO – Ruang Masyarakat Ketemu (Rumaket) 2024 was once again held by the Yogyakarta City Culture Agency (Kundha Kabudayan). It is annual event that aims to preserve and develop intangible cultural heritage and celebrate the unique culture of Yogyakarta City.

Rumaket is a forum for highlighting the uniqueness of wayang, batik and kris, which are an inseparable part of the archipelago’s cultural identity. Beyond this, Rumaket is also a forum for arts and culture actors and the community to meet, collaborate and synergize.

Through various series of activities, the Yogyakarta City administration through Kundha Kabudayan seeks to promote cultural diversity and increase public appreciation of intangible cultural heritage.

Rumaket is also a space for community dialogue to exchange ideas, challenges and solutions in efforts to preserve cultural heritage. One of them was in the form of a national seminar titled “Resilience of Cultural Heritage Areas to Encourage Sustainable Community Empowerment” held at the Kimaya Sudirman Hotel via Zoom and YouTube streaming.

Yetti Martanti
Yetti Martanti S.Sos, M.M., head of the Yogyakarta City Culture Agency, attended the annual Ruang Masyarakat Ketemu (Rumaket) 2024.(Source: Special)

This seminar serves a medium for dialogue that brings together the government, academics and the community to discuss the protection and empowerment of intangible cultural heritage.

Under the theme “Power of Javanese Women”, Rumaket 2024 presents an exhibition displaying valuable collections that highlight the role of women in Javanese culture and the diversity of Yogyakarta culture. Curated by Fajar Wijanarko, the exhibition was held in the Wijaya Kusuma Room, Embung Giwangan Cultural Park.

It featured a workshop at the end of this cultural celebration, highlighted by a discussion about the role of Javanese women in civilization in relation to gender equality. The guests were head of Kundha Kabudayan Yetti Martanti S.Sos, M.M., director of personnel development and cultural institutions Dr. Restu Gunawan M.Hum., and Yogyakarta City regional secretary Ir. Aman Yuradijaya, M.M.

Ruang Masyarakat Ketemu
(Source: Special)

In line with the overarching theme, this event also included a fashion show with the theme “Women Empowerment”, which also involved a number of female figures from various professions, as a form of appreciation for the role of women in society. The fashion show was held at the Embung Giwangan Cultural Park Amphitheater, featuring designer Nita Azhar and music composer Anon Suneko.

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This series of events also featured a puppet collaboration performance entitled ‘Srikandhi Maguru’ which presented a collaboration between various puppet arts and musical elements, as well as a talkshow and workshop titled “Puppetry, Batik and Keris in Yogyakarta”.

They aim to deepen understanding of the richness of local culture, and to engage the people of Yogyakarta, as well as culture lovers to participate in celebrating the city’s cultural diversity.

“This year’s Rumaket is open to all, so that more people can participate in the activities. It is a space for people to meet, to interact, to collaborate and to network. That’s why we see many communities came to discuss many things, carry out many activities related to cultural preservation,” said Yetti. (adv)


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