Monday, May 13, 2024 | 15:56 WIB

From Founding to Prosperity: Celebrating China’s 74-Year Odyssey


Jakarta, IO – Seventy-four years ago, a new chapter in history was written, as the People’s Republic of China was founded. Today, as we celebrate this significant anniversary, it is impossible to ignore the incredible strides China has made, on its journey toward prosperity and progress. Guided by the principles of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, the nation has not only transformed its own landscape but has also become a beacon of inspiration for the world. 

China’s achievements in recent times are nothing short of extraordinary. Rooted in the vision of a harmonious society, the country has embraced innovative strategies and inclusive policies, propelling its development and fostering a sense of national pride. The collaborative efforts between the Chinese government and international organizations such as the World Bank have played a pivotal role in shaping China’s trajectory and providing valuable insights for the world. 

The joint flagship studies conducted by the World Bank and the Development Research Center of China’s State Council have been instrumental in deepening the dialogue on policies and programs, while serving as a model for other nations. The “China 2030: Building a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative Society” report outlines strategic directions that have become a cornerstone of China’s progress. Completing the transition to a market economy, accelerating open innovation, embracing green growth, expanding opportunities in education and healthcare, strengthening the fiscal system, and fostering mutually beneficial international relations have been at the heart of China’s developmental agenda. 

One of the key areas where China showcases its prowess is in urbanization. “Urban China: Toward Efficient, Inclusive, and Sustainable Urbanization,” a joint report, highlights the importance of curbing rapid urban sprawl and ensuring equal access to basic public services for all citizens. By implementing reforms in land requisition, granting migrants urban residency and reforming local finances, China has created cities that are not only efficient but also inclusive and sustainable. 

Furthermore, China’s commitment to healthcare reform is exemplary. The joint study titled “Healthy China: Deepening Health Reform in China, Building High-Quality and Value-Based Service Delivery” advocates people-centered quality integrated healthcare. By empowering patients, improving healthcare quality and prioritizing public investment, China has made significant strides in providing accessible and high-quality healthcare services to its citizens. 

Indeed, one of the most remarkable achievements in China’s recent history is its victory over the unprecedented challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The world watched in admiration as China, with its determination and collective spirit, effectively managed the outbreak, demonstrating resilience, discipline, and innovative approaches that played a crucial role in curbing the spread of the virus. 

China’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic was characterized by swift action, comprehensive testing, contact tracing, and the implementation of strict quarantine measures. The government’s transparent communication with the public, coupled with the dedication and hard work of healthcare professionals, played a vital role in controlling the virus’s transmission. By implementing stringent measures and mobilizing resources, China managed to flatten the curve, protecting its citizens and preventing widespread devastation. 

Moreover, China’s scientific community played a pivotal role in the fight against COVID-19. Chinese researchers swiftly sequenced the virus’s genome, facilitating the development of diagnostic tests and vaccines. The country’s pharmaceutical industry worked relentlessly to develop vaccines, contributing significantly to the global efforts to immunize populations against the virus. China’s success in developing and distributing vaccines not only protected its own citizens but also provided support to other countries, reflecting a sense of global responsibility. 

The victory over COVID-19 highlighted China’s capability to respond effectively to public health emergencies, showcasing its robust healthcare system and infrastructure. The experience gained during the pandemic has further strengthened China’s public health preparedness, ensuring that the nation is better equipped to handle future challenges. 

In addition to the domestic efforts, China extended a helping hand to other nations affected by the pandemic. Providing medical supplies, sharing expertise, and supporting international research initiatives, China demonstrated solidarity and cooperation on the global stage. This collaborative approach underscored the importance of international solidarity in tackling shared challenges, emphasizing the need for nations to work together for the greater good of humanity. 

Innovation has been a driving force behind China’s economic growth. The joint report titled “Innovative China: New Drivers of Growth,” underscores the importance of removing economic distortions, accelerating the diffusion of advanced technologies, and fostering the discovery of new technologies and processes. By investing in human capital, promoting competition, and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, China has created an environment where creativity thrives, leading to groundbreaking advancements that benefit not only the nation but also the global community. 

China’s commitment to reduction of poverty is another testament to its dedication to creating a better society for all. The joint report on “Four Decades of Poverty Reduction in China: Drivers, Insights for the World and the Way Ahead” showcases how sustained growth, economic transformation and targeted investments have lifted millions out of extreme poverty. By addressing the root causes of poverty and implementing effective policies, China has set an example for the world to follow. 

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Additionally, China’s proactive approach to climate change is both commendable and forward-thinking. The China Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) recognizes the challenges posed by climate risks and the importance of transitioning to a carbon-neutral and resilient development model. China’s efforts to integrate climate action with development objectives not only mitigate risks but also create economic opportunities. By embracing structural and market reforms, China is poised to turn climate challenges into avenues for sustainable growth, setting an example for other nations to emulate. 

In conclusion, as we celebrate the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it is essential to acknowledge the nation’s remarkable achievements and its unwavering commitment to building a modern, harmonious, and creative society. The principles of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics have provided the guiding light, illuminating a path towards progress, innovation, and inclusivity. China’s collaborative efforts with international organizations, as evidenced by the joint studies conducted with the World Bank, have not only benefited the nation but have also offered valuable insights to the global community. 

As China continues its journey toward a brighter future, the world watches in awe and anticipation, inspired by the nation’s achievements and hopeful for the positive impact it will continue to have on the world stage.

M. Raihan Ronodipuro is a Master’s Degree student in the School of Public Policy & Management at Tsinghua University, China. Previously, he was awarded the Chinese MOFCOM Scholarship and earned a Master of Law in International Relations from the School of International and Public Affairs at Jilin University in China. He serves as an Associate Researcher in the Department of Politics and Security at the Center for Indonesia-China Studies (CICS). He is presently a member of the International Relations Commission at the Directorate of Research and Studies for the Overseas Indonesian Students’ Association Alliance (OISAA) 2022/2023.


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