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White mucous discharge? Possible indication of chlamydia infection


Jakarta, IO – Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (“STI”). As this term implies, it is a disease transmitted through intimate sexual action, whether between two sex organs, or through anal / oral sex. If not treated properly, more serious complication may ensue. 

What is chlamydia really, and how is it transmitted? 

“Chlamydia or chlamydiosis is a disease caused by the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. It is transmitted by intimate relations with infected persons. CDC estimated 4 million chlamydia infections occurred globally in 2018, with most sufferers being 15 to 24 years old. There is no case report data for Indonesia yet, but we suspect that the prevalence is actually quite high,” reported dr. Rinadewi Astriningrum, Sp.KK(K), dermatology and venereology specialist consultant practicing in the University of Indonesia Hospital, Depok, West Java, on Monday (09/01/2023). 

Most sufferers of STI, including chlamydia, are generally individuals with sexually risky behavior – promiscuous men and women, or commercial sex workers (especially women), men secretly having multiple male sex partners outside of marriage – and their faithful, unsuspecting partners. Among the latter, many an innocent, faithful wife suffer the shock of becoming infected with chlamydia by their husbands, and go on to infect the babies in their wombs. 

It is no surprise that infection risk is higher among those who are sexually active from an early age (again, most frequently among those 15-24 years old), having sex with more than one partner, having sex with more than one gender, having a history of or currently suffering from other STIs, having a history of miscarriage, and having a pattern of inconsistent use of protective condoms when engaged in sex. 

“About 25% of men and 75% of women suffer from asymptomatic chlamydia. Among women, infection in the lower genital tract may cause them to suffer pain when urinating, have abnormal white mucous discharge, or even bleeding during and after intimate relations. Symptoms of chlamydia infection in the upper genital tracts include irregular hemorrhaging of the womb, and pain in the lower stomach. Left untreated, chlamydia may cause infammation in the hip area, damage to other internal organs, infertility, or even pregnancy outside the womb,” dr. Rinadewi said. 


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