Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 05:48 WIB

White mucous discharge? Possible indication of chlamydia infection


Rinadewi Astriningrum
dr. Rinadewi Astriningrum, Sp.KK(K) (Source: PRIV. DOC)

Be Faithful to Your Partner 

Among men, symptoms include abnormal discharge of fluids from the urinary tract and pain when urinating. These can worsen into pain and swelling of the testes. If the infection hits the anus and rectum, symptoms include anal pain and/or liquid discharge, or even anal bleeding. If it infects the eyes or throat, the affected region will suffer from an inflammation. Treatment will be determined when a diagnosis is validated, and it should include the patient’s sexual partners. As chlamydia is caused by a bacteria, patients are generally prescribed antibiotics by their doctors. 

“The primary and best means of prevention is sexual abstinence, because the infection is transmitted through sexual relations. Second, if you are sexually active, be faithful to your partner and make sure that they are faithful to you. Third, wear a condom every time you have intimate relations. This will significantly reduce infection risk,” dr. Rinadewi declares. 

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An important additional means of prevention is regular STI screening tests. This will ensure that you catch infections early, if any, and that such infections are treated early if caught. “Speaking honestly and openly with your partner will help you reduce the risk of infecting them with chlamydia. If you suffer the signs and symptoms of chlamydia, swallow your embarrassment and see a doctor immediately, as it is treatable and can be healed. Maintaining sexual fidelity and health means that you care about yourself and your partner,” dr. Rinadewi added. (est)


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