Friday, May 3, 2024 | 07:19 WIB

What to do when diagnosed with a brain tumor?


Dr. dr. Tiara
Dr. dr. Tiara Anindhita, Sp.S(K) (Photo: RSCM)

50% of Patients Depressed 

On a different occasion, dr. Feranindhya Agianda, Sp.KJ(K), a psychiatric specialist consultant from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, said that for some people, a cancer diagnosis is a bad news, and may be scary because they think the disease can change their lives. Can cancer diagnoses be conveyed to patients and what is the proper assistance? 

“Patient reactions when receiving a diagnosis are also different. Families sometimes want to cover it up because they are worried that the patient’s psychological condition will get worse after receiving a diagnosis. However, from the results of the study, the number of patients who wanted to know the condition of their disease was large, almost 87%, and 81% wanted to know the details. Those who don’t want to know are from the family because of various concerns. In fact, 34% of families agree that the patient should be told the specifics of it’s condition,” she said.

`The stages experienced by patients generally pass through five modals, namely denial, anger and blaming others, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. “50% of patients enter a depressed state, but this could be their step to the next stage, namely accepting and fighting with all their might, carrying out the doctor’s advice. Patients need to know about a cancer diagnosis to adapt to their condition, determine treatment options, and prepare themselves for the process.” 

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In addition, the role of the family is needed to help patients in the acceptance process and provide support in undergoing a series of treatments. With appropriate psychological assistance, it is hoped that the patient’s ability to accept disease conditions, reduce distress, and improve the quality of end of life can be bettered. (est)


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