Saturday, June 22, 2024 | 13:18 WIB

Tips for staying active and comfy in the hot weather


Jakarta, IO – For the last few weeks, Southeast Asian countries – Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar – have been suffering from extreme heat, with temperatures during the day reaching above 40 degrees Celsius. This sweltering heat also reached Indonesia; in areas such as Deli Serdang, Medan and Bengkulu, the temperature exceeded 36 degrees Celsius. 

The Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) stated that the high temperature was caused by the change of seasons in Indonesia and was not classified as a heat wave, like in other countries. The BMKG estimates the peak of hot weather will set in around July, but there is no certainty when it will end. 

Despite the scorching heat, people must carry on with their daily activities, including those done outdoors. The following are several tips to help stay active, productive and comfortable during the hot weather. 

1. Wear light and sweat-absorbent clothes 

Avoid dark-colored clothes and those made from synthetic materials like polyester, because they absorb heat and increase body temperature. 

Wearing light, breathable clothing with a loose design and sweat-absorbent materials can help people stay comfortable under the scorching sun. Cotton or linen are the most suitable fabrics for hot weather as they are breathable. Light-colored clothes, especially white, reflect sunlight. Don’t forget to wear comfortable and fully-enclosed footwear to protect the feet from the heat. 

2. Use sunscreen and the facial moisturizer to protect the skin 

Exposure to UV radiation is not only harmful to the skin but also accelerates aging, causes sunburn and increases the risk of skin cancer. Use sunscreen to protect the skin from these negative effects. 

Retaining skin moisture should also be a priority in this dry season. Light-textured moisturizer can protect the skin barrier by providing maximum hydration throughout the day. Lastly, use makeup with SPF and re-apply it every two hours to ensure complete skin protection all day long. 

3. Wear UV protection jackets 

Wearing long-sleeved clothing during outdoor activities is not necessarily optimal, nor does it give long-term protection. Sun-protective jackets can be the perfect option to give extra protection to the skin. UV protection jackets provide extra defense from the blazing sun, function as windbreakers and remove unpleasant odors caused by urban smog. 

4. Bring a portable mini fan and say goodbye to the stiffing heat 

The hot temperature definitely sparks a stuffy and sweaty feeling. The quick fix is to bring a portable mini fan. It is small and light, so it is easy to carry and does not take up too much space in the bag. 

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5. Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking water 

The body loses a lot of fluid through sweat. Make sure to hydrate by drinking enough water. Consuming water also helps stabilize body temperature and maintain concentration. 

6. Wear fresh-scented perfume 

The sun shines brightly outside, but worry not. Wear perfume with fruity or floral scents to improve the mood and boost energy. 

Follow the above tips to stay active and comfortable during the scorching heat in Indonesia. (des/ ast)


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