Monday, June 17, 2024 | 07:51 WIB

DNVB Entrepreneurship Learning Platform breaks records with thousands of participants


Jakarta, IO – DNVB Indonesia, an entrepreneurship learning platform based in Yogyakarta, successfully organized a class session featuring Ipang Wahid, titled “How to Create Powerful, Viral, and Long-Lasting Campaigns in Various Mediums and Industries?” Held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, 2,800 participants from various industries attended the class, setting a record for the highest number of participants in a single class in DNVB Indonesia history. During the workshop, participants gained practical knowledge on creating campaigns, from the fundamentals to strategic thinking, applicable across various business fields. 

Ipang Wahid is a communication consultant with 20 years of experience in Indonesia’s creative industry. He began his career as an assistant director at Katena Films, which produced the “RCTI Oke” advertisement. Ipang Wahid has worked on 1,000 advertisements for such various major brands as Gudang Garam, Coca-Cola, Ramayana, Nescafe, and Sampoerna, and has been involved in political communication strategies since 2004, including for political parties like PKS and presidential campaigns for Jokowi-Amin and Prabowo-Gibran. 

In the 2.5-hour session, as the speaker of the workshop, Ipang stated that the key to producing a powerful, viral, and long-lasting campaign is perfect strategic thinking. “Strategic thinking is inevitable. We must focus on our goals, find the right positioning and determine our target audience. Always start with creative ideas that are relevant to current trends,” he explained. 

Ipang Wahid also shared the perception engineering strategies he employed in presidential and political party campaigns for the 2024 elections. Participants appeared enthusiastic by asking a total of 400 questions during the class session. 

Novia Nurist Naini, founder and CEO of DNVB Indonesia, also shared intriguing information regarding the class. “None of the DNVB team members were supporters of the Prabowo-Gibran pair, but as individuals in the creative and marketing industry, we admire their campaign strategies and the creative approach used in the campaign. We highly value knowledge, which is why we invited Ipang Wahid to share the insights and strategies used in the recent campaign,” she said. 

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In its three years in Indonesia, DNVB has organized 90 webinar class sessions, with 50 speakers from various companies, such as the Director at Ogilvy Asia, the Chief Creative Officer at Dentsu, the General Manager & Partnership at RANS Entertainment, the Vice President at GoJek, and others. 

With a mission to nurture, assist and develop one million businesses in Indonesia by 2045, DNVB Indonesia is committed to making a positive impact on the Indonesian community, through educational class sessions and by producing high-quality content based on indepth, research-based knowledge of business from reliable sources to empower small and medium enterprises. (des/ast)


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