Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 20:14 WIB


The ball is in your court, Mr. President

IO - The evidence of dirty games being played to steal away the 2019 presidential election is overwhelming:  millions of fictitious names on the voter registration roll; the use of state funds to sway...

Mr. Wiranto, don’t you want this to end well (husnul khotimah)?

IO - While we’re still in the spirit of the month of Ramadhan, we need to ask this question to the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law, and Security, General (ret.) Wiranto. In Islam, one’s whole...

Democracy is the loser, for now

 IO - Electoral fraud is perhaps the greatest effrontery to a nation’s democracy. There are no winners. Once the facts are uncovered, a leader that takes power in a fraudulent election is deemed illegitimate...

Structured, systematic, and massive

IO - Did you know that the first input errors were detected even when submitted input was still 1% of the existing number of Voting Points (Tempat Pemungutan Suara – “TPS”)? One discovery led to another. Initially,...

Five flaws in the Election Commission’s Voting Count Information System

“It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” Joseph Stalin IO - The uproar over erroneous input into the Election Commission (Komisi Pemilihan Umum – “KPU”)’s Voting Count Information...

Incumbent political luxury and 2019 presidential election cheaters

IO - As an incumbent in the 2019 Presidential Election, President Jokowi enjoys various political luxuries (incumbent advantages). Among these are popularity, political parties' support, political and oligarch financier support, media attention, and access and control over resources....

KPU vote vaunting pattern riddled with PSYWAR tactics

IO - Votes entered in KPU’s Situng (vote count information system) as of 23:15 WIB, April 29, 2019, still show Jokowi in the lead and within the margins of error of the quick counts published on...

The 2019 Elections and the disappearance of Indonesia as a nation

IO - The 2019 Elections will only generate an Indonesian Republic that can only be sold off at a minimum interest rate of 15% – just wait and see. It is impossible to amass...


IO - Not since the ending of Suharto’s New Order in 1998 and the beginnings of reformasi has Indonesia experienced so many setbacks to its democracy.  This is a big disappointment since most of...

Mind games, a “dangerous” play by KPU

IO - Is it true that now the General Election Commission (KPU) is running mind games? They tried to influence and manipulate the Indonesian people, — especially for Prabowo's supporters — to believe that...

Between people and their employees: KPU and Police Mind

IO - The People pay the General Elections Commission (KPU) as organizers of anti-fraud elections. The People pay for the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) to maintain justice. However, the KPU reports the people because...

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