Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 19:57 WIB


IPB researchers use zinc supplements to energize catfish sperm

IO, Bogor - Catfish is one of the most thoroughly-developed aquaculture commodities in Indonesia, one whose quality can be sustained with the support of strong broodstock. A team of researchers from the IPB Department...

UB student app to evade food poisoning

IO, Malang - Livestock products such as meat, eggs, and milk are notorious for being perishable as well as easily damaged. Poor handling or storage can spoil such foods, making them unsafe for human...

Unsoed students apprentice in Japan dairy industry

IO, Purwokerto - A total of 13 students of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (Fapet) of Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed), Purwokerto, Central Java, have had the opportunity to take part in an internship program...

Digital communication transformation journey

IO, Jakarta - On February 12th, the workshop – ‘Digital Communication Transformation Journey’, organized by leading communication technology company THREADS from Russia with support of Trade mission of Russian Federation in Indonesia, Embassy of...

Concerned about the Implementation of Sustainable Business, SBA announces the winners

IO, Jakarta – The winning companies of the 2019 Sustainable Business Awards (SBA) were announced on Friday, (21/2/2020) in the presence of Minister Suharso Monoarfa,Minister of National Development Planning and Minister Bambang Brodjenegoro, Minister...

UGM students’ Planify takes gold in Bangkok

IO, Yogyakarta – A Universitas Gad­jah Mada (UGM) student team was awarded a gold medal at the Interna­tional Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposi­tion held at the Thailand Inventor’s Day 2020 on 2-6...

Two teenagers discover everyday application of nanotechnology

IO, Jakarta – Although still relatively little-known in Indonesia, nanotech­nology can provide many interesting benefits that can help make every­day life easier for people living today and in the future. Nanotechnology is a technology...

Unpad Softball Team seizes Redfox National Championship XVII

IO, Bandung - The Baseball and Soft­ball Team (UBSU) from Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) successfully won first place in the Redfox National Championship XVII at Lodaya Soft­ball Field, Bandung, last month. The Unpad men’s team defeat­ed the Bandung Islamic...

Creators of Salugen, UNS students win Chemistry Expo & Festival

IO, Solo – Another achievement has been proudly attained by the students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (MIPA) Universi­tas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, during the National Chemistry Expo and Festival, organized by Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang...

Fapet UB Students intern at Malaysian dairy farms

IO, Malang - Students of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) have conducted fieldwork at Malaysian dairy farms. The group consisted of Septiyono Pamungkas, Miftakhul Huda, Nadel­la Apriliani, Aprilia Wulan Sari, and Arini Nur Sa’adah. The activity...

Three Unsoed students in Sakura Science Exchange

IO, Purwokerto - Three students of Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed), Purwokerto, Central Java, namely, Vonia Febriana Hidayah and Laras Anggita Jati (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences-MIPA) and Saroh Nur Khajizah (Study Program in...

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