Monday, July 1, 2024 | 00:30 WIB

BSSN Waits for Digital Forensics Results to Find PDN Hackers


Jakarta, IO – Head of the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) Hinsa Siburian said his agency has not been able to find the hackers of the National Data Center (PDN) who attacked using ransomware.

Hinsa said BSNN was still waiting for the results of forensic analysis to obtain the identity of the hackers who have breached the computer system of 210 government agencies.

“The forensics have not been completed,” said Hinsa, per CNN Indonesia, Fri (28/6).

Nevertheless, Hinsa previously stated that BSSN has found a number of indications that may lead to the hackers.

The data center in Surabaya was hacked on June 20. As a result, the data of hundreds of agencies was locked and could not be recovered.

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Hinsa added that currently BSSN has also received offers from 19 countries to find the perpetrators. These countries have collaborated with the Indonesian government in the area of cyber security.

“They have offered assistance, and of course because this is all still in the forensic stage, we will wait first for the results from our team first, then we can coordinate what form of collaboration it will take,” said Hinsa. (un)


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