Friday, May 17, 2024 | 09:57 WIB

Kota Intan Bridge, built in 1628, is being restored

Kota Intan
Kota Intan
Kota Intan
Kota Intan
Kota Intan
Kota Intan
Kota Intan
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Jakarta, IO – The Jakarta provincial administration is carrying out the restoration of the Kota Intan Bridge. Workers can be seen completing the project in the historic Kota Tua (Old City), Monday (27/11).

The remnant of Dutch (VOC)-built infrastructure was carried out to bolster the structure of the bridge without changing its original design. It is targeted for completion on December 15.

This bridge itself is one of the oldest bridges in Indonesia, built in 1628. It connects two streets on either side of the canal, Kali Besar Timur and Kali Besar Barat. In the past, the movable bridge could be lifted to allow boats boats from the port to pass through and sail into Batavia’s numerous canals. It is the only surviving movable bridge in the country.

Read: The Enchanted “Negeri Sayur Sukomakmur”

The name of this bridge has also changed over time, from Pasar Ayam (Poultry Market) Bridge, Central Bridge, Juliana Bernhard Bridge to its present name after Indonesian gained its independence.

(IO/Septo Kun Wijaya)

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