Monday, June 17, 2024 | 06:29 WIB

Thousands of penguin chicks die in Antarctica


Jakarta, IO – Mass die-off struck the penguin chicks population in Antarctica. Even though penguins live on the ice, their soft feathers are not water resistant. Therefore, when the ice melts, they have to swim to a safer place, per Detikcom, Monday (23/10).

If they fail to reach hard ice, the penguin chicks die. A particularly serious die-off of emperor penguin chicks was discovered in Antarctica in 2022, precisely to the west of the continent in an area facing the Bellingshausen Sea. It is estimated that there are 10,000 penguin chick deaths there. The incident was recorded by satellite.

It is thought the deaths were caused by melting ice as the penguin chicks developed the waterproof feathers needed to swim in the sea. The penguin chick most likely drowned or froze to death.

If the ice continues to melt and break up, it is estimated that more than 90 percent of emperor penguin colonies will be extinct by the end of the century. The melting of polar ice is linked to continued global warming.

“Emperor penguins depend on sea ice for their breeding cycle. It is a stable place that they use to raise their young,” said Dr Peter Fretwell, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).

“But if the ice isn’t as large as it should be or breaks up more quickly, they’re going to be in trouble,” he said.

“There is still hope that we can reduce carbon emissions which cause warming. But if not, we will bring these iconic and beautiful birds to the brink of extinction,” he said.

Dr Fretwell et al reported the penguins’ deaths in the journal Communications Earth & Environment.

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Scientists tracked five colonies in the Bellingshausen Sea sector, namely on Rothschild Island, Verdi Inlet, Smyley Island, Bryan Peninsula and Pfrogner Point.

Using the European Union’s Sentinel-2 satellite, they were able to observe the penguins’ activity from the feces or guano. (rr)


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