Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 05:52 WIB

Creativity in providing supplements to mother’s milk


Jakarta, IO – Stunting is caused by chronic malnutrition, with its greatest effect in the first 1,000 days of life, i.e. from the time the child is a fetus until they become a two-year-old baby. In terms of nutrition, Indonesia faces a triple burden of stunting, wasting and obesity, and illnesses caused by insufficient macronutrients, such as anemia. Malnutrition, which is caused by excessive as well as insufficient nutrition ingestion, occurs when the body fails to obtain the correct amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. 

According to data obtained during the 2021 Indonesian Nutrition Status Study, the national prevalence of malnutrition was 24.4%, down 1.6% a year from the 27.7% in 2019, but still too far to allow our country to achieve the stunting prevalence target of 14% by 2024. 

“Stunting obstructs the child’s physical as well as cognitive growth and development. Furthermore, it causes the child to be vulnerable to repeated infections, because of low immunity, as well as being vulnerable to emotional and behavioral problems (easily angered, anxious, or sad). It also makes them more likely to suffer chronic health problems, such as osteoporosis or diabetes, when they become adults. There are four causal factors of stunting: the parents’ economic condition, bad sanitation in the home and neighborhood, parents’ low educational level, and parents’ behavior,” declared Dr. dr. Dian Pratamastuti, Sp.A,, pediatrics specialist practicing in Siloam Hospitals Surabaya, in the “Joint Effort to Prevent Stunting” webinar organized to commemorate the 2023 National Nutrition Day. 


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