Monday, May 13, 2024 | 04:21 WIB

300 Rohingya land on Aceh’s unwelcoming shores A call for desperate measures to Indonesia’s refugee crisis


Indonesia’s strategic position 

The Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime (or the Bali Process, in short) is the only consultative forum in Asia Pacific that focuses on what is called “irregular migration”. Unlike ASEAN, the Bali Process is only a forum, co-chaired by Indonesia and Australia since its establishment in 2002. 

The forum that brings together 48 countries in the Asia Pacific (countries of origin, transit and destination for irregular migrants) and three international institutions was revived after the Andaman Sea refugee crisis in 2015. However, the activities of the Bali Process are greatly influenced by the dynamics of bilateral relations between Indonesia and Australia, which to some extent influenced the implementation of the ministerial meeting that only resumed in 2023. 

In February, the 8th Bali Process Ministerial Conference was held in Adelaide, to reaffirm the principles and direction set out in the Ministerial Declaration and Co-Chairs’ Statements in 2016 and 2018, and to recognize the long-term priorities of the Cooperation Strategy in 2018, as well as setting new priorities for cooperation. The meeting produced the 2023 Adelaide Strategy for Cooperation, which focused on changing patterns of people smuggling, human trafficking and related transnational crimes affecting countries that are part of the Bali Process. 

When ‘home’ is a refugee camp. (Surce: UNHCR)

The Adelaide Strategy for Cooperation includes activities undertaken by the Bali Process working group, other engagement mechanisms, and the Regional Support Office (RSO), focusing on eight areas of cooperation: (1) Law enforcement, (2) Stakeholder involvement, (3) Information dissemination and public information campaigns, (4) Irregular migration and related transnational crimes, (5) Border management, (6) Protection of Victims and Migration Management, (7) Return and Reintegration, and (8) Coordination and support. 

Even though the Bali Process is merely a consultative forum, cooperation agreements are a good opportunity to be followed up through focused working groups with the support of Bali Process RSO based in Bangkok. Here is a greater opportunity for Indonesia to design the burden-sharing and joint responsibility schemes in the bid to prevent and overcome people smuggling and human trafficking in the displacement of the Rohingya and other refugees. 

Activating consultation mechanism 

The first consultation mechanism was initiated in 2016 and activated in 2017, but in practice no significant impact has been made visible. At a meeting in Adelaide 2023, it was agreed that the Bali Process consultation mechanism be activated with a focus on irregular maritime movement in the Andaman Sea. The CoChair Ministers tasked the Senior Officials Co-Chairs from Indonesia and Australia to reactivate the Consultation Mechanism in response to this matter, and explore options for Bali Process engagement and support. As part of this effort, it is important to carry out intensive closed-door dialogue between senior officials from the Bali Process Steering Group and affected countries. Here again it shows the important role of Indonesia to ensure that multilateral sharing of burdens and responsibilities can be effectively designed and implemented. 

Improving internal management 

Indonesia has a major influence in bilateral, regional and multilateral relations. One of its active roles is to prioritize humanitarian considerations as a form of Indonesia’s contribution to maintaining world peace, including in Myanmar. This role cannot be separated from Indonesia’s national interests to find a permanent solution to Rohingya refugees entering its territory. 

However, Indonesia’s global role, especially in solving the refugee problem based on burden-sharing and joint responsibility, should go hand-in-hand with the improvement of internal governance and domestic coordination on the handling of refugees. The clear direction can at least prevent on-the-ground confusion and chaotic response. To this end, there are several prerequisites that need to be met. 

First, affirm and maintain the development of a domestic handling paradigm. This includes the protection and fulfilments of human rights and humanity inherent to all individuals within the legal jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia, including refugees, and non-discriminatory protection without overlooking the ‘temporary’ nature of refugees and the security of the Republic of Indonesia. 


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