Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 10:24 WIB

Zaskia Adya Mecca is back using Scarlett products, revealing the facts behind the issue


Jakarta, IO – After an in-depth tabayyun (clarification) process, Zaskia Adya Mecca announced that she is back using Scarlett-branded products owned by Felicya Angelista. This was after she gained new understanding of the actual situation regarding the rumour of the latter’s support for Israel.

“I stopped because there was a lot of news, boycott rumors and so on, which ended up with me seeking clarification from the owner of Scarlett. I asked if the proceeds from the sales are used to support Israel? Is it true that she is supporting the Zionists?” wrote Zaskia in her Instagram Stories post.

“What I learned for more than a month? It’s nothing like the interpretations and news that are circulating out there,” added Zaskia. The wife of film director Hanung Bramantyo highlighted the brand owner’s enthusiasm in helping Palestine. “One of the brand owners is really enthusiastic about helping the Palestinians in a significant way, not just at one location but everywhere,” she said.

Zaskia added that Felicya’s choice not to publicize her aid to Palestine should be appreciated, and showed her sincere commitment to this issue. “With everything I have seen in the past month, tabayyun, learning, going through overwhelming emotions, anger, sadness and anxiety because of all the injustice experienced by our brothers in Gaza, I am willing to give a testimonial and am convinced that Scarlett does not support Israel,” said Zaskia.

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With this statement, Zaskia hopes that there will be a broader and more objective understanding of the actual situation regarding Scarlett products and their owners. “No one forced me to make this statement, but I felt that someone had to convey another side that many people don’t know these days about Scarlett and the brand’s owners,” she said. (des)


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