Friday, May 3, 2024 | 11:44 WIB

We need food, not tobacco!


Vape Usage Multiplied 10x 

We also need to be wary of the latest products developed from tobacco, following technological developments: OTPP (Other Tobacco Processed Products) – most importantly electronic cigarettes, more commonly known as “vaporizers” or “vapes”. Its use reached 3% in 2021, a 10x multiplication from the 0.3% usage rate in 2011. 

“Vapes are just as dangerous as conventional cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are not recommended as a means to stop smoking, because of the risk of addiction transference. They lead to the same level of addiction to conventional cigarettes.

dr. Feni Fitriani Taufik, Sp.P(K)
dr. Feni Fitriani Taufik, Sp.P(K) (Source: PONDOK INDAH HOSPITAL)

Electronic cigarettes use heated liquids, which contain the dangerous chemicals nicotine, propylene glycol, and glycerin. According to a study performed by Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, the urine of electronic cigarette smokers has the same level of nicotine residue as the urine of conventional smokers,” dr. Feni declared. 

Even though in practice they do not cause smoke per se, heated tobacco products are basically still… tobacco. All metabolism of tobacco elements will generate nicotine, which stimulates the brain and causes addiction.

Furthermore, the various metal and particle residues left by electronic cigarettes in the body still constitute a long-term health risk. PDPI requests that the use of both electronic and conventional cigarettes be banned to prevent extensive and prolonged bad effects to health. 


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