Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 20:26 WIB

Two endangered big cats caught on surveillance cameras in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park


Jakarta, IO – A CCTV camera captured a rare footage of a pair of leopard and panther walking side by side in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (TNGGP). According to TNGGP head Sapto Aji Prabowo, this indicates that the balance of the ecosystem in the nature reserve is well maintained and sustainable.

Aji said that his agency was trying to ensure that the protected endangered animals would not be disturbed and change their lifestyle in nature. He also forbade climbers from throwing away leftover food so as not to lure them to approach the climbing route. “Naturally, they will stay away from humans unless attracted,” he said, per Katadata, Mon (27/5).

“The CCTV installed is very far from the climbing route, but we still prohibit climbers from leaving food or rubbish that could attract the attention of animals that live in their natural habitat.”

He explained that based on surveillance camera footage, initially only a leopard was seen walking in the middle of the forest. After a few moments, another black panther approached the camera.

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“The panther is actually a species of leopard, but the skin pigment makes it black,” he explained.

However, it is not yet known whether the two big cats are a pair of male and female, or mother and cub. According to available data, there are currently 24 leopards and panthers living in the wildlife sanctuary. (bp)


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