Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 20:35 WIB

Press organizations united in opposition against Broadcasting Bill revision

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Jakarta, IO – A number of journalists held a protest to reject the Broadcasting Bill outside the parliament complex in Senayan, South Jakarta, Monday (27/5). This rally was spearheaded by various press organizations in Jakarta who feared that the revision would potentially hinder journalistic duties and curb press freedom.

Journalists highlighted several articles in the bill that give excessive authority to the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) to regulate media content. This can lead to censorship and the silencing of those critical of the government or vested interests. The articles deemed to pose threat to press freedom are Article 8A(q), Article 50B(c), and Article 42(2).

Second, threat to the independence of media. Furthermore, Article 51E contains provision that can potentially be used to pressure the media to side with certain parties, thus damaging their independence and impartial reporting.

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Journalists also decried provisions that tend to discriminate against marginalized groups. These restrictions are expected to have a negative impact on the media industry, and are considered detrimental to the working conditions of media workers and creative workers in the digital industries.

(IO/Faisal Ramadhan)

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