Sunday, June 16, 2024 | 20:44 WIB

No Indonesian casualties in Papua New Guinea landslides, Kemlu ascertains


Jakarta, IO – The Foreign Ministry (Kemlu) has assured the Indonesian public that no Indonesian citizens have fallen victim to the massive landslides in Papua New Guinea on Friday (24/5).

“So far, we have received no information about any Indonesian victims in this disaster,” said Kemlu citizen protection director Judha Nugraha, per Bisnis, Mon (27/5).

Judha said the ministry has been coordinating with the Indonesian embassy in Port Moresby and local authorities. The embassy said it will continue to monitor the situation on the ground.

“The Indonesian embassy Port Moresby hotline can be reached via +67573963011,” he said.

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The catastrophic landslides have levelled dozens of houses and buried alive thousands of people from hundreds of households in the Indonesian eastern neighbour. As a result, more than six villages in the mountainous Enga province were wiped out.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), a UN agency, estimates that the landslides have killed more than 2,000 people and buried more than 150 houses. (un)


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