Friday, June 21, 2024 | 13:03 WIB

KPK Names Deputy Law Minister as Suspect in Gratification Case


Jakarta, IO – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named the Deputy Law and Human Rights Minister Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej as a suspect for gratification.

This was confirmed by KPK deputy chair Alexander Marwata. Other than Edward, KPK also named three other suspects in the same case, including the one who offered the bribe, reported, Fri (10/11).

Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso reported Eddy to KPK in March over allegation of influence trading in the share ownership involving PT Citra Lampia Mandiri which owns a 2,000 hectare of nickel mine in East Luwu, South Sulawesi.

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Eddy was accused of receiving Rp7 billion in bribe through two of his assistants. He denied this allegation, saying that it was a matter between his assistants and the client.

“I don’t need to take it seriously because the matter at issue here is the professional relationship between my assistants YAR and YAM, who are lawyers, and the client of Sugeng,” said Eddy. (un)


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