Friday, May 10, 2024 | 16:11 WIB

Impact of Protracted Drought in Kampung Apung, Cengkareng

Protracted Drought
Protracted Drought
Protracted Drought
Protracted Drought
Protracted Drought
Protracted Drought
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Jakarta, IO – Water levels are starting to recede due to the prolonged dry season in Kampung Apung, Kapuk Muara, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, (30/10).

The impact is clearly visible in the informal urban settlement as low tide began to appear and the land that was previously submerged was now visible, even the graves that had previously been submerged.

In the 2000s, this 6-hectare area sank to less than 3 meters, and every year it continues to subside. The area was previously inhabited by around 400 households. The dry season phenomenon is one of the reasons why water recedes in the subdistrict.

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Today, Kampung Apung becomes the epitome of the impact of drought and a prolonged dry season.

(IO/Faisal Ramadhan)

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