Sunday, June 23, 2024 | 07:19 WIB

Habib Rizieq to Attend Pro-Palestinian Protest After Unconditional Release


Jakarta, IO – Firebrand religious figure and ex-leader of the banned hardline Islamist group Islamic Defender Front (FPI), Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, was given unconditional release today, Monday (10/6).

The Law and Human Rights Ministry’s corrections director general Deddy Eduar Eka Saputra explained that Rizieq has fully served his conditional release term and is thus eligible for unconditional release.

“His conditional release term ended on June 10,” said Deddy, per CNN Indonesia.

This was confirmed by Rizieq’s son-in-law Muhammad bin Husein Alatas who said that the first activity Rizieq would do was to attend a pro-Palestinian protest. However, he did not specify which demonstration Rizieq will join.

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Rizieq was previously released on parole on July 20, 2022. He was imprisoned after being named a suspect for falsifying his Covid-19 test result from Ummi Hospital, Bogor.

Initially, he was sentenced to four years in jail by the East Jakarta District Court. However, after an appeal the Supreme Court (MA) reduced the verdict to two years. (un)


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