Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 19:12 WIB


Healthcare deficit: A Fundamental right unhealthily managed by Jokowi’s government

IO, Jakarta – The existence of the Social Security Organizing Agency (Badan Pengelola Jaminan Sosial – “BPJS”) Health service has proved to be a great boon for Indonesians. The weak and chronically ill, those...

Ministry of Home Affairs insist on adding 31 million people to final voters list

IO, Jakarta – “It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” This quote, attributed to Joseph Stalin, former leader of the Soviet Union, aptly summarizes the spirit...

The Paradox behind Jokowi’s infrastructure drive: A real need or a bridge leading to nowhere..???

IO, Jakarta – Within the 4 years of leadership, the Jokowi-JK Government has pursued massive infrastructure, divided into 5 categories: energy, transportation, water resources, communication, and housing. Government has 245 National Strategic Projects (NSP) delineated...

Rupiah at a nose dive: Raising concerns of financial hardships for the people

IO, Jakarta – A nation’s currency is a reflection of its economic strength. The continued depreciation of the Rupiah shows how Indonesia’s current economy remains bleak and is worsening day by day. According to...

Promises vs Realities: The truth about jobs under Jokowi’s Goverment

IO, Jakarta – Amid the hustle and bustle of a “political year”, the pub­lic needs to evaluate and critique the running of the current Jokowi-JK government, especially in the eco­nomic sector. Among the numerous...

Pancasila: The foundational Philosophy of our National Values

IO, Jakarta – The 1st of October is celebrated in Indonesia as “Pancasila Supremacy Day”: commemorated as the philosophical basis of the Nation, the fundamental ideology of the Indonesian people. It is unfortunate that...

“National Agriculture Day”: Farmers Struggle against imports – Indonesia’s Prosperity Dream

IO, Jakarta – “Make farmer sovereignty a reality, as part of our national sovereignty!” This was the spirit behind the celebration of National Agriculture Day on 24 September. Farmers are the backbone of Indonesia’s...

The 2019 State Budget Plan (RAPBN): Realistic or Utopia?

IO, Jakarta – The Government has created a State Budget and State Expenditure Plan (Rancangan Anggaran Pendapatan – “RAPBN”) for 2019. The plan exudes optimism, despite treacherous and volatile global economic conditions. The basis...

Rupiah continues to weaken despite gold rush from the Asian Games

IO, Jakarta – The biggest sports event in Asia is done. The 18th Asian Games, which was simultaneously held in Jakarta and Palembang from 18 August to 2 September, recorded Indonesia in the 4th...

The End of 2018 Asian Games: Sports Unite People

IO, Jakarta – Sports bring people together across race, religion, gender, geography, political affiliation, age and any other differences, uniting us through our support and pride of our people and our nation. The 2018...

The Politcal Persecution in Society: Indonesian Democracy in Harrassment

IO, Jakarta – The State should be present to protect its citizens. What happens if a State ignores the basic rights of its citizens? Article 28 of the Constitution of 1945 states that all...

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