Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 18:46 WIB


Jokowi in the midst of blunders; The fear of losing the Palace

IO, Jakarta – “Blunder”. This term is frequently used in sports, especially for soccer. However, what does it means if it occurs in the world of politics? What is a “blunder” anyway? To put...

Empty promises and vanished hopes; How Jokowi is Losing his Base of Supporters

IO, Jakarta – A “leader” is synonymous with “credibility” and “trustworthiness”. In other words, a person’s words matching their deeds. However, if there is no consistency between words and actualities, it will become a...

Indonesian Elections set stage for dramatic debate showdown; The Presidental Quiz

IO, Jakarta – 2019 Presidential Elections will be held on 17 April. In order to allow the people to get to know the Presidential Candidate Pair’s vision, mission, and programs, the Elections Commission (Komisi...

Prabowo Subianto’s national address “INDONESIA WINS”

IO, Jakarta – Monday, 14 January 2019. When Independent Observer arrived at the Jakarta Convention Center, there was a dominance of pale blue and white as far as the eye could see. These two...

Cancer Stage-4 Corruption: Challenges of Leadership, Corruption and Governance in Indonesia

IO, Jakarta – Candidate President Number 02 Prabowo Subianto describes corruption in Indonesia as a stage-four cancer. According to Prabowo, Indonesia condition is currently in a corruption emergency, as State officials, Councilmen, ministers, and...

The year in review; Economic downturn, the rule of law at the crossroads and the 2019 match

IO, Jakarta – In less than two weeks, we will leave 2018 behind. Various issues still facing the nation, starting from politics, the economy, to the rule of law have become “homework” for the...

Gaming for the 2019 general elections: Another e-KTP scandal on the horizon

IO, Jakarta – There are new problems relating to the electronic ID or e-ID program. The program, whose concept started during the term of office of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), seems to be constantly...

The 212 Alumni Reunion; A CALL FOR CHANGE

IO, Jakarta – The 212 Movement was born as a protest against former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, who had been charged with blasphemy in a court of law. In its original...

The Investment Negative List: Protectionism is sometimes necessary

IO, Jakarta – This November, the Government launched the 16th Economic Policy Package in order to encourage investments and strengthen domestic economy. One of the pointsts of the policy package is the relaxation of...

State-owned Enterprises: Borrowing to fail?

IO, Jakarta – With the Government’s aggressive appointment of State-owned Enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik Negara – “BUMN”) to carry out infrastructure construction, BUMN debt is now skyrocketing, to an extent that it endangers State...

The Novel Baswedan case: Justice that may never come

IO, Jakarta – “Many go on the wrong path, but they remain at ease because many colleagues join them in taking the wrong path. Have the courage to be right even when standing alone.”...

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