Friday, May 3, 2024 | 08:59 WIB

A pilgrimage to the tomb of King Tallo in Makassar

Raja Tallo
Raja Tallo
Raja Tallo
Raja Tallo
Raja Tallo
Raja Tallo
Raja Tallo
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Makassar, IO – The tomb of King Tallo is one of the historical tourism destinations in Makassar. This ancient Islamic burial complex, located on Sultan Abdullah Raya Street, is a protected national cultural heritage site. It is part of the Tallo fort ruins. According to the caretaker, there are 93 graves in the complex, but only 21 of them are recognized and named. They are the kings and royalty of Tallo who were buried between the 17th and 19th centuries.

The tomb is thought to have been built in the 15th century. According to historical records, the Kingdom of Tallo rose from the power struggle within the Kingdom of Gowa during the reign of King Gowa VI Tunatangka Lopi (1445-1460). The kingdoms of Gowa and Tallo finally reunited through an alliance, forming the Makassar Sultanate in the 16th century.

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Most of the tombs consist of andesite stone structures and some use bricks. The tomb complex has been restored twice, in 1974-75 and 1981-82 respectively. The complex is open daily admission-free to the general public. Visitors are usually pilgrims, students or history buffs.

(IO/Faisal Ramadhan)

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