Tuesday, July 2, 2024 | 12:17 WIB

Indonesia brings in health workers from Saudi Arabia to improve quality of human resources


Jakarta, IO – Indonesia and Saudi Arabia established collaboration in the health care sector. Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that one form of the collaboration is the provision of free heart surgeries conducted by Medan’s Adam Malik Central General Hospital (RSUP) with King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, and the Muslim World League.

This social action involved a team of 22 medical professionals from Saudi Arabia. Apart from carrying out charity activities, they also provide training to young doctors to handle open-heart surgery, pediatric heart surgery, and catheterization.

Budi said this was a clear example of the presence of foreign doctors in an effort to improve human resources in the health sector. “Their presence can increase the knowledge and skills of our doctors who specialize in heart surgery,” said Budi, per DetikHealth, Tue (28/5).

The team comprises 11 doctors and 11 support members such as specialists, perfusionists and respiratory therapists from various health centers in Saudi Arabia.

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Budi hopes that this step can become a means of transferring knowledge for young Indonesian doctors, as well as improving the quality of the country’s health care services.

“They will train and work with well-known doctors from abroad, learning their work discipline, work culture and interactions with patients,” he said. (un)


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