Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 17:12 WIB

Stay hydrated in hot weather!


Jakarta, IO – Over the past week, several regions in Indonesia were hit by extremely hot weather. Others faced rainstorms, with light to heavy intensity. The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) confirmed that air temperatures in several regions in Indonesia were reported at 32 to 37 degrees Celsius. Even though it is not as hot as other Southeast Asian countries that are exposed to heat waves, such as Myanmar (which reached 45.8 degrees Celsius) and Thailand (44 degrees Celsius), several areas in Indonesia still suffer scorching hot temperatures, as a result of the annual cycle of the sun’s apparent movement. 

BMKG predicts that 63.66% of Indonesian territory will enter the dry season period from May to August 2024. In addition, atmospheric conditions in southern Indonesia in June-August will become drier, resulting in minimal potential for rain cloud growth. Thus, the air temperature during the day will tend to be hotter than in recent periods. 

Erratic hot and rainy weather like the current wave affects our bodily condition. In hot weather, the body tends to lose fluids more quickly. “To avoid dehydration, drink lots of water. Drinking enough can help hydrate the body and keep the kidneys healthy, especially during hot weather such as the current time,” said dr. Metalia Puspitasari, Sp.PD, KGH, M.Sc, from Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, in a talk show with the theme “Stinging Heat, Drink Lots to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy” which was held on Tuesday (7/5/2024). 

dr. Metalia Puspitasari, Sp.PD, KGH, M.Sc
dr. Metalia Puspitasari, Sp.PD, KGH, M.Sc (Source: SARDJITO HOSPITAL)

She explained that the human body is divided into a solid composition in the form of bones, muscles and fluids, found in the intra and extracellular cells of the body. “Fluid comprises 60% of body weight. So, if your weight is 60 kg, your total body fluid will be 36 liters. Dehydration conditions will reduce the composition of body fluids, which is most worrying if it occurs in the head. However, the body has a defense mechanism to restore fluid balance. We will definitely feel thirsty and we should drink water immediately so we don’t fall into a state of dehydration,” the Internal Medicine-Internist-Hypertension & Kidney Consultant said. 

Frequency and Color 

We lose fluids in the form of sweat, breath, urine, feces, etc. as much as 1.5-2 cc per kg of body weight per hour. “If our body weight is 50 kg, we can lose 100 cc per hour. We still lose body fluids even though we stay in an air-conditioned room all day. Characteristics of insufficient fluid status in the body can be seen from the lack of frequency of urination and dark urine color, dry skin and tongue, and fatigue. In severe cases, we will experience dyno dynamic disorders in the form of weakness, lethargy, decreased blood pressure, and loss of consciousness. In children, it will be difficult for the skin to return to its previous condition if it is pinched; parents may also notice sunken eyes, diarrhea or vomiting with kids,” she explained. 

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The normal frequency of urination for adults is every ½ hour after drinking. “Urine makes up 30 cc per kg of body weight. For 50 kg, that means 1,500 cc every 24 hours, divided into morning, afternoon, evening, and night. Drinking orally can immediately hydrate the body, but in severe cases, especially in children, it is necessary to administer intravenous fluids in the hospital. Severe dehydration can trigger kidney stones, with or without symptoms in the form of hematuria (red urine), pain in the waist, signs of infection in the form of fever, and pain when urinating.”

It was revealed that because kidney function regulates fluid balance, drinking water can actually work as therapy for complaints of kidney stones. “To avoid kidney stones, we must understand the body’s fluid needs by consuming a minimum of 1.5 liters of water and carrying out a medical check-up at least once a year, for those with risk factors,” she warned. (est)


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