Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 19:11 WIB

Safe, healthy utilization of sacrificial meats


Jakarta, IO – During the Eid-el-Adha, Muslims who can afford to will happily sacrifice animals to demonstrate their faith in Allah. Mosques are abuzz with the butchering of these sacrificed animals and the distribution of the meat collected to local communities, especially to the poor. We might even be given a share of the raw meat, whether mutton or beef, from neighbors and family members. But what do we do if we have too much? What is the Shari’a ruling concerning the storage of sacrificial meats? 

According to a hadith recorded by Imam Bukhari, “Salamah bin Akwa stated that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, declared, ‘Whosoever made a sacrifice, should get the meats distributed within three days.’ In the following year, we asked the Prophet, peace be upon him, ‘O Messenger of Allah, shall we distribute the sacrificial meats as we did in the past year?’ and lo, he replied, ‘Eat, enjoy thineselves, and store them (the meats). I have ordered thee to distribute all until there is none left, as many of our neighbors were suffering then and this would have helped them’.” 

Meat is an ideal breeding place for both fungi and bacteria. “Storing meat in low temperature may obstruct the growth of these two organisms. The quality of meat may be discerned from its physical, chemical, and microbial conditions. Physical indicators include tenderness, drip loss, cooking loss, moisture bonding power, pH, and color. Chemical indicators include protein, lipid/ fat, water, vitamin and mineral levels. Microbial indicators include the number of bacteria and fungi in the meat,” reported dr. Nur Aini Djunet, M.Gizi, FINEM, nutritionist from the Islamic University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, Yogyakarta, in the “Safe and Healthy Utilization of Sacrificial Meats” webinar on Saturday (24/6/2023). 

Storage procedure and cleanliness of the freezer are the primary factors that determine the duration of meat edibility. There are seven steps to ensure optimum condition and duration for meat storage: 

First, make sure that the meat is clean. Do not wash flesh unless you are going to immediately process it. If you find any dirty parts, slice them off and throw them away. 

Second, cut meat according to the portions that you need and no more. 

Third, drain the meat to prevent it getting tough when you cook it. If you have the space, it’s best to hang it up. If your fridge is small, place it in a drainable container and put it in the chiller for 2-5 hours before putting it in the freezer. 

Fourth, separate meat from innards. Wrap each cooking portion separately. Store them in clear, airtight containers separately and secure the lid. 

Fifth, label each container with storage date and type of cut (meat, fat, organ; thin, thick, diced). 

Sixth, store the oldest meat on top, to adhere to the “first in-first out” principle. 

Seven, take the meat out only when you are really going to cook it. Never return thawed meat into an ice box. 


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