Sunday, May 5, 2024 | 05:59 WIB

Angke Natural Tourism Park, huge swathes of mangrove forest in North Jakarta

Angke Natural Tourism Park
Angke Natural Tourism Park
Angke Natural Tourism Park
Angke Natural Tourism Park
Angke Natural Tourism Park
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Jakarta, IO – Angke Nature Park is one of the conservation areas located in Jakarta and is one of the areas that serves as “city lungs” for the metropolitan city. As a tourist destination amid the concrete jungle, this nature tourism park also functions as a recreational site. This is also supported by its natural coastal ecosystem.

The concept offered by the Angke Nature Park is the natural tourism of mangrove forests with lots of greenery. This condition is a special attraction considering the existence of natural tourism parks stand in stark contrast to the dense and crowded city environment. The area is also used as a research center and the Mangrove Ecotourism Area Education Center managed by the provincial government of Jakarta.

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Various activities can be carried out in this natural tourism park area, from excursions, such as walking through the mangrove forest or camping, to quite challenging activities such as exploring the mangrove forest by bicycle or boat. (Jessica Yiswi)

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