Sunday, June 30, 2024 | 03:14 WIB

Statue sculpted by Indonesian artist showcased in Spain


Jakarta, IO – Indonesian artist Roby Dwi Antono (33) gained international fame as his artwork is being showcased at the CAN Public Art exhibition, on Passeig Vara de Rey, in Spain, which will run from June 20 to September 9.

Through his personal Instagram account, the Semarang-born artist (October 31, 1990) shared a portrait of a statue in the shape of a girl’s head called “Nalakala” which is being displayed on the streets of Ibiza, an island known for its lively nightlife.

Roby hopes his work can help everyone who sees it to express their emotions. He said that whatever other people’s interpretations of this work he would accept it wholeheartedly.

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According to a post from @canartibiza, the work explores humans’ relationship with time and the laws of nature.

This represents the idea that the accumulation of human actions and experiences in the past will always be the root of present and future events. Time will pass, and things that seem trivial will have an impact on our lives in the future. (un)


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