Saturday, June 22, 2024 | 17:21 WIB

Polri to soon relocate thousands of personnel to Nusantara


Jakarta, IO – The National Police will relocate thousands of its personnel including police generals to the new administrative capital Nusantara (IKN). Deputy Chief of Police Agus Andrianto said the construction of the new National Police headquarters at IKN is currently being auctioned off.

The personnel will be provided with various facilities, including IKN Polrestabes (metropolitan police) building and four police stations. In addition, the National Police will build a command center that is integrated with the “Smart Security, Smart City” application.

“The control will be carried out by joint personnel from the National Police headquarters, the East Kalimantan Regional Police, and the IKN Police,” said Agus, per Polri, Wed (12/6).

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The personnel to be relocated consist of those from the National Police headquarters and Regional Police. “The number of National Police personnel who will be transferred to the IKN in phase one in 2024 is 1,667,” he explained.

Agus said Rp49.83 billion of fund will be earmarked for the relocation process. (un)


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